Tag id | | | | |
1 | | | | |
2 | %loadfile% | %loadfile% | | |
3 | %loadfile1% | %loadfile1% | | |
4 | %loadfilenocrlf% | %loadfilenocrlf% | | |
5 | %time% | 17:00 | | |
6 | %date% | 10/10/2024 | | |
7 | %sunrise% | 07:56 | | |
8 | %sunset% | 18:52 | | |
9 | %dayornight% | day | | |
10 | %timeofdaygreeting% | afternoon | | |
11 | %moonrise% | 16:32 | | |
12 | %moonset% | 22:46 | | |
13 | %moonrisedate% | 10/10/24 | | |
14 | %moonsetdate% | 10/10/24 | | |
15 | %moonage% | moon age: 7 days,5 hours,15 minutes,48% | | |
16 | %moonphasename% | first quarter moon | | |
17 | %moonphase% | 48% | | |
18 | %marchequinox% | 03:07 utc 20 maart 2024 | | |
19 | %junesolstice% | 20:52 utc 20 juni 2024 | | |
20 | %sepequinox% | 12:44 utc 22 september 2024 | | |
21 | %decsolstice% | 09:21 utc 21 december 2024 | | |
22 | %moonperihel% | 11:56 utc 3 januari 2025 | | |
23 | %moonaphel% | 03:03 utc 5 juli 2025 | | |
24 | %moonperigee% | 00:50 utc 17 oktober 2024 | | |
25 | %moonapogee% | 22:51 utc 29 oktober 2024 | | |
26 | %newmoon% | 18:50 utc 2 oktober 2024 | | |
27 | %nextnewmoon% | 12:48 utc 1 november 2024 | | |
28 | %firstquarter% | 18:56 utc 10 oktober 2024 | | |
29 | %lastquarter% | 08:04 utc 24 oktober 2024 | | |
30 | %fullmoon% | 11:27 utc 17 oktober 2024 | | |
31 | %fullmoondate% | 17 oktober 2024 | | |
32 | %suneclipse% | 29 maart 2025 11:13:54 34% | | |
33 | %mooneclipse% | 14 maart 2025 06:59:27 118% | | |
34 | %easterdate% | 31 maart 2024 | | |
35 | %chinesenewyear% | 10 februari 2024 () | | |
36 | %pesachdate% | 23 april 2024 | | |
37 | %suntransit% | 13:24 10 10 2024 | | |
38 | %moontransit% | 19:31 10 10 2024 | | |
39 | %changeinday% | -00:04:09 | | |
40 | %changeindaydec% | 03:30 | | |
41 | %changeindayjun% | -05:53 | | |
42 | %hoursofpossibledaylight% | 10:56 | | |
43 | %daylengthyesterday% | 11:00:00 | | |
44 | %weathercond% | droog | | |
45 | %weathercondinput% | --- | | |
46 | %weatherreport% | droog | | |
47 | %metar/report=%NZAA | %metar/report=% | | |
48 | %uncodedmetar/report=%NZAA | %uncodedmetar/report=% | | |
49 | %extrametarlabel% | | | |
50 | %metarcloudreport% | --- | | |
51 | %statusmessage% | | | |
52 | %myuserdailyreport% | --- | | |
53 | %warningemailalarm% | --- | | |
54 | %NOAAEvent% | no current advisories | | |
55 | %NOAAEvent2% | no current advisories | | |
56 | %noaawarningraw% | --- | | |
57 | %noaawarningraw2% | | | |
58 | %noaawarningscroll% | | | |
59 | %noaawarningscroll2% | | | |
60 | %wdversion% | 10.37s | | |
61 | %wdbuild% | 114 | | |
62 | %inputdailyweather% | --- | | |
63 | %formateddate% | date: 10 october 2024 | | |
64 | %current alarm flashing% | --- | | |
65 | %time | 51 | | |
66 | %time | 00 | | |
67 | %time | 17 | | |
68 | %date | 10 | | |
69 | %date | 10 | | |
70 | %date | 2024 | | |
71 | %monthname% | october | | |
72 | %dayname% | thursday | | |
73 | %utctime | 51 | | |
74 | %utctime | 00 | | |
75 | %utctime | 15 | | |
76 | %utcdate | 10 | | |
77 | %utcdate | 10 | | |
78 | %utcdate | 2024 | | |
79 | %utcdate | 24 | | |
80 | %cloudheightfeet% | 1780 | | |
81 | %cloudheightmeters% | 543 | | |
82 | %stationaltitude% | 2 | | |
83 | %stationlatitude% | 053:20:59 | | |
84 | %stationlongitude% | -005:32:35 | | |
85 | %stationname% | meteo noord west | | |
86 | %noaacityname% | dongjum | | |
87 | %noaastatename% | friesland | | |
88 | %windowsuptime% | 10 days 23 hours 27 minutes 54 seconds | | |
89 | %freememory% | 12.06gb | | |
90 | %timeofnextupdate% | 18:00 | | |
91 | %Startimedate% | 17:33:42 29-9-2024 | | |
92 | %Startime% | 17:33:42 | | |
93 | %Stardate% | 29-9-2024 | | |
94 | %datareceivedcount% | 2302537 | | |
95 | %5dayforecastday1% | today --- | | |
96 | %rawdataheader% | | | |
97 | %hoursofpossibledaylight% | 10:56 | | |
98 | %seaconditions% | calm-glassy sea | | |
99 | %heatcolourword% | cool | | |
100 | %filenamewapgraph% | graphtemp0.wbmp | | |
101 | %filenamewapgraph2% | graphwind0.wbmp | | |
102 | %batteryvolts% | 0.00 | | |
103 | %iconnumber% | 0 | | |
104 | %todayshightideinfo1% | | | |
105 | %todayshightideinfo2% | | | |
106 | %todayslowtideinfo1% | | | |
107 | %todayslowtideinfo2% | | | |
108 | | -- us navy | | |
109 | %usnavycloudheight1% | 255 | | |
110 | %usnavycloudheight2% | 255 | | |
111 | %usnavycloudheight3% | 255 | | |
112 | %usnavycloudtype1% | | | |
113 | %usnavycloudtype2% | | | |
114 | %usnavycloudtype3% | | | |
115 | %watertempcelsius% | -10 | | |
116 | %watertempfaren% | 14 | | |
117 | %visibility% | --- | | |
118 | %visibilitykm% | --- | | |
119 | | -- averages/extreme | | |
120 | %yeartodateavtemp% | 12.8 | | |
121 | %yeartodateavwind% | 7.2 | | |
122 | %yeartodategstwind% | 12.5 | | |
123 | %monthtodateavtemp% | 12.2 | | |
124 | %monthtodateavtempcelsius% | 12.2 | | |
125 | %monthtodateavtemp31% | 13.8 | | |
126 | %monthtodateavtempcelsius% | 12.2 | | |
127 | %monthtodateavhum% | 89.6 | | |
128 | %monthtodateavdp% | 10.4 | | |
129 | %monthtodateavdpcelsius% | 10.4 | | |
130 | %monthtodateavbaro% | 1006.2 | | |
131 | %monthtodateavbaromb% | 1006.2 | | |
132 | %monthtodateavspeed% | 4.5 | | |
133 | %monthtodateavspeedkts% | 2.5 | | |
134 | %monthtodateavspeedms% | 1.3 | | |
135 | %monthtodateavspeedkmh% | 4.5 | | |
136 | %monthtodateavgust% | 8.7 | | |
137 | %monthtodateavgustkts% | 4.7 | | |
138 | %monthtodateavgustms% | 2.4 | | |
139 | %monthtodateavgustkmh% | 8.7 | | |
140 | %monthtodateavdir% | 160 | | |
141 | %monthtodateavdirword% | south southeasterly | | |
142 | %monthtodatemaxgustdirword% | northerly | | |
143 | %monthtodatemaxgustdirdeg% | 5 | | |
144 | %monthtodatemaxtemp% | 18.2 | | |
145 | %monthtodatemaxtempcelsius% | 18.2 | | |
146 | %monthtodatemintemp% | 4.5 | | |
147 | %monthtodatemintempcelsius% | 4.5 | | |
148 | %monthtodatemaxhum% | 100.0 | | |
149 | %monthtodateminhum% | 63.0 | | |
150 | %monthtodatemaxdp% | 15.6 | | |
151 | %monthtodatemaxdpcelsius% | 15.6 | | |
152 | %monthtodatemindp% | 3.9 | | |
153 | %monthtodatemindpcelsius% | 3.9 | | |
154 | %monthtodatemaxbaro% | 1022.7 | | |
155 | %monthtodatemaxbaromb% | 1022.7 | | |
156 | %monthtodateminbaro% | 983.6 | | |
157 | %monthtodateminbaromb% | 983.6 | | |
158 | %monthtodatemaxwind% | 33.3 | | |
159 | %monthtodatemaxwindms% | 9.3 | | |
160 | %monthtodatemaxwindkts% | 18.0 | | |
161 | %monthtodatemaxwindkmh% | 33.3 | | |
162 | %monthtodatemaxgust% | 48.1 | | |
163 | %monthtodatemaxgustms% | 13.4 | | |
164 | %monthtodatemaxgustkts% | 26.0 | | |
165 | %monthtodatemaxgustkmh% | 48.1 | | |
166 | %last24houravtemp% | 13.1 | | |
167 | %houraveragetemp% | 17.1 | | |
168 | %houraveragehum% | | | |
169 | %last24houravbaro% | 989.5 | | |
170 | %last24houravhum% | 89.3 | | |
171 | %tempfortimedate% | 14.6 | | |
172 | %last24houravtempclimate% | 11.7 | | |
173 | %last24houravtempclimatediff% | 1.3 | | |
174 | %daysTmax<-15C% | 0 | | |
175 | %daysTmax<-10C% | 0 | | |
176 | %daysTmax<-5C% | 0 | | |
177 | %daysTmax<0C% | 9 | | |
178 | %daysTmax<5C% | 0 | | |
179 | %daysTmax<10C% | 0 | | |
180 | %daysTmax<15C% | 3 | | |
181 | %daysTmax<20C% | 10 | | |
182 | %daysTmin<25C% | 10 | | |
183 | %daysTmin<20C% | 10 | | |
184 | %daysTmin<15C% | 10 | | |
185 | %daysTmin<10C% | 5 | | |
186 | %daysTmin<5C% | 1 | | |
187 | %daysTmin<0C% | 0 | | |
188 | %daysTmin<-5C% | 0 | | |
189 | %daysTmin<-10C% | 0 | | |
190 | %daysTmin<-15C% | 0 | | |
191 | %daysTmin<-20C% | 0 | | |
192 | %daysTmin<-25C% | 0 | | |
193 | %daysTmax>-20C% | 10 | | |
194 | %daysTmax>-15C% | 10 | | |
195 | %daysTmax>-5C% | 10 | | |
196 | %daysTmax>0C% | 10 | | |
197 | %daysTmax>5C% | 10 | | |
198 | %daysTmax>10C% | 10 | | |
199 | %daysTmax>15C% | 7 | | |
200 | %daysTmax>20C% | 0 | | |
201 | %daysTmax>25C% | 0 | | |
202 | %daysTmax>30C% | 0 | | |
203 | %daysTmax>35C% | 0 | | |
204 | %daysTmax>38C% | 0 | | |
205 | %daysTmax>40C% | 0 | | |
206 | %daysTmax>44C% | 0 | | |
207 | %daysTmax>47C% | 0 | | |
208 | %daysTmax>49C% | 0 | | |
209 | %daysTmaxyear<-15C% | 0 | | |
210 | %daysTmaxyear<-10C% | 0 | | |
211 | %daysTmaxyear<-5C% | 0 | | |
212 | %daysTmaxyear<0C% | 185 | | |
213 | %daysTmaxyear<5C% | 14 | | |
214 | %daysTmaxyear<10C% | 62 | | |
215 | %daysTmaxyear<15C% | 119 | | |
216 | %daysTmaxyear<20C% | 197 | | |
217 | %daysTminyear<25C% | 284 | | |
218 | %daysTminyear<20C% | 283 | | |
219 | %daysTminyear<15C% | 245 | | |
220 | %daysTminyear<10C% | 131 | | |
221 | %daysTminyear<5C% | 53 | | |
222 | %daysTminyear<0C% | 6 | | |
223 | %daysTminyear<-5C% | 1 | | |
224 | %daysTminyear<-10C% | 0 | | |
225 | %daysTminyear<-15C% | 0 | | |
226 | %daysTminyear<-20C% | 0 | | |
227 | %daysTminyear<-25C% | 0 | | |
228 | %daysTmaxyear>-15C% | 284 | | |
229 | %daysTmaxyear>-10C% | 284 | | |
230 | %daysTmaxyear>-5C% | 284 | | |
231 | %daysTmaxyear>0C% | 284 | | |
232 | %daysTmaxyear>5C% | 270 | | |
233 | %daysTmaxyear>10C% | 222 | | |
234 | %daysTmaxyear>15C% | 163 | | |
235 | %daysTmaxyear>20C% | 87 | | |
236 | %daysTmaxyear>25C% | 27 | | |
237 | %daysTmaxyear>30C% | 2 | | |
238 | %daysTmaxyear>35C% | 0 | | |
239 | %daysTmaxyear>38C% | 0 | | |
240 | %daysTmaxyear>40C% | 0 | | |
241 | %daysTmaxyear>44C% | 0 | | |
242 | %daysTmaxyear>47C% | 0 | | |
243 | %daysTmaxyear>49C% | 0 | | |
244 | | -- using the logfiles instead of datafiles | | |
245 | %daysTmax<0Clg% | 0 | | |
246 | %daysTmax<5Clg% | 0 | | |
247 | %daysTmax<10Clg% | 0 | | |
248 | %daysTmax<15Clg% | 3 | | |
249 | %daysTmax<20Clg% | 10 | | |
250 | %daysTmin<0Clg% | 0 | | |
251 | %daysTmin< | 0 | | |
252 | %daysTmax>20Clg% | 0 | | |
253 | %daysTmax>25Clg% | 0 | | |
254 | %daysTmax>30Clg% | 0 | | |
255 | %daysTmax>35Clg% | 0 | | |
256 | %daysTmax>40Clg% | 0 | | |
257 | %daysTmax>44Clg% | 0 | | |
258 | %daysTmax>47Clg% | 0 | | |
259 | %daysTmax>49Clg% | 0 | | |
260 | %daysTmaxyear<0Clg% | 7 | | |
261 | %daysTmaxyear<5Clg% | 18 | | |
262 | %daysTmaxyear<10Clg% | 65 | | |
263 | %daysTmaxyear<15Clg% | 120 | | |
264 | %daysTmaxyear<20Clg% | 198 | | |
265 | %daysTminyear<0Clg% | 6 | | |
266 | %daysTminyear<-15Clg% | 0 | | |
267 | %daysTmaxyear>20Clg% | 86 | | |
268 | %daysTmaxyear>25Clg% | 26 | | |
269 | %daysTmaxyear>30Clg% | 2 | | |
270 | %daysTmaxyear>35Clg% | 0 | | |
271 | %daysTmaxyear>40Clg% | 0 | | |
272 | %daysTmaxyear>44Clg% | 0 | | |
273 | %daysTmaxyear>47Clg% | 0 | | |
274 | %daysTmaxyear>49Clg% | 0 | | |
275 | %hddmonth% | 59.6 | | |
276 | %cddmonth% | 0.0 | | |
277 | %hddday% | 3.9 | | |
278 | %cddday% | 0.0 | | |
279 | %cddyear% | 84.5 | | |
280 | %hddyear% | 1592.1 | | |
281 | %raindifffromav% | --- | | |
282 | %raindifffromavyear% | 765.0 | | |
283 | %tsum% | 3493.2 | | |
284 | %avtempjan% | 3.3 | | |
285 | %avtempfeb% | 3.7 | | |
286 | %avtempmar% | 6.0 | | |
287 | %avtempapr% | 9.3 | | |
288 | %avtempmay% | 13.0 | | |
289 | %avtempjun% | 15.6 | | |
290 | %avtempjul% | 17.8 | | |
291 | %avtempaug% | 17.8 | | |
292 | %avtempsep% | 15.2 | | |
293 | %avtempoct% | 10.8 | | |
294 | %avtempnov% | 7.0 | | |
295 | %avtempdec% | 4.6 | | |
296 | %avtempjannow% | 4.4 | | |
297 | %avtempfebnow% | 7.5 | | |
298 | %avtempmarnow% | 8.2 | | |
299 | %avtempaprnow% | 10.3 | | |
300 | %avtempmaynow% | 15.7 | | |
301 | %avtempjunnow% | 15.6 | | |
302 | %avtempjulnow% | 17.9 | | |
303 | %avtempaugnow% | 19.0 | | |
304 | %avtempsepnow% | 16.1 | | |
305 | %avtempoctnow% | 12.2 | | |
306 | %avtempnovnow% | 7.9 | | |
307 | %avtempdecnow% | 6.4 | | |
308 | %gddmonth% | 35.2 | | |
309 | %gddyear% | 1214.1 | | |
310 | | -- tags from the daily averages/extreme page (month to date) (note that will still need to be enabled) | | |
311 | %averagesextdata1% | | | |
312 | %averagesextdata66% | | | |
313 | %averagetempfordaytimeofyearfromyourdata% | 13.9 | | |
314 | %maxtempfordaytimeofyearfromyourdata% | 17.6 | | |
315 | %mintempfordaytimeofyearfromyourdata% | 10.9 | | |
316 | %maxtempfortodayfromyourdata% | 25.1 | | |
317 | %mintempfortodayfromyourdata% | 5.8 | | |
318 | %yearmaxtempfortodayfromyourdata% | 2011 | | |
319 | %yearmintempfortodayfromyourdata% | 2010 | | |
320 | %WUmaxtemp% | 0.0 | | |
321 | %WUmintemp% | 0.0 | | |
322 | %WUmaxtempr% | 0.0 | | |
323 | %WUmintempr% | 0.0 | | |
324 | %WUmaxtempryr% | 0 | | |
325 | %WUmintempryr% | 0 | | |
326 | %currentmonthtodatefilename% | october2024.htm | | |
327 | |
| | |
328 | %maxtempweek% | 18.2 | | |
329 | %mintempweek% | 4.5 | | |
330 | %maxheatweek% | 18.2 | | |
331 | %minheatweek% | 4.5 | | |
332 | %minchillweek% | 4.5 | | |
333 | %maxdewweek% | 15.6 | | |
334 | %mindewweek% | 3.9 | | |
335 | %maxbaroweek% | 1022.7 | | |
336 | %minbaroweek% | 983.6 | | |
337 | %maxhumweek% | 100.0 | | |
338 | %minhumweek% | 63.0 | | |
339 | %maxwindweek% | 33.3 | | |
340 | %maxgustweek% | 48.1 | | |
341 | %maxtempweekday% | mon | | |
342 | %mintempweekday% | sat | | |
343 | %maxheatweekday% | mon | | |
344 | %minheatweekday% | sat | | |
345 | %minchillweekday% | sun | | |
346 | %maxbaroweekday% | fri | | |
347 | %minbaroweekday% | thu | | |
348 | %maxhumweekday% | sun | | |
349 | %minhumweekday% | sat | | |
350 | %maxdewweekday% | tue | | |
351 | %mindewweekday% | sat | | |
352 | %maxwindweekday% | tue | | |
353 | %maxgustweekday% | tue | | |
354 | %avtempweek% | 12.2 | | |
355 | %avhumweek% | 88.6 | | |
356 | %avbaroweek% | 1004.7 | | |
357 | %avwindweek% | 5.4 | | |
358 | %avgustweek% | 9.9 | | |
359 | %rainforweek% | 4.6 | | |
360 | | -- temperature/humidity current: | | |
361 | %temp% | 11.7 | | |
362 | %tempnodp% | 12 | | |
363 | %tempnodpf% | 53 | | |
364 | %dewnodp% | 7 | | |
365 | %hum% | 75 | | |
366 | %dew% | 7.4 | | |
367 | %dewdep% | 4.3 | | |
368 | %heati% | 11.7 | | |
369 | %heatinodp% | 12 | | |
370 | %maxtemp% | 13.7 | | |
371 | %maxtempnodp% | 14 | | |
372 | %maxtempt% | 12:30 | | |
373 | %mintemp% | 11.7 | | |
374 | %mintempovernight% | 12.0 | | |
375 | %mintempnodp% | 12 | | |
376 | %mintempt% | 16:48 | | |
377 | %maxtempmetric% | 13.7 | | |
378 | %mintempmetric% | 11.7 | | |
379 | %windch% | 11.7 | | |
380 | %windchnodp% | 13 | | |
381 | %minwindch% | 9.3 | | |
382 | %minwindcht% | 10:28 | | |
383 | %maxwindchill% | 13.4 | | |
384 | %maxwindchillt% | 03:27 | | |
385 | %highhum% | 98 | | |
386 | %highhumt% | 02:27 | | |
387 | %lowhum% | 70 | | |
388 | %lowhumt% | 15:15 | | |
389 | %indoortemp% | 20.2 | | |
390 | %indoorhum% | 55 | | |
391 | %maxdew% | 13.1 | | |
392 | %maxdewt% | 03:27 | | |
393 | %mindew% | 6.9 | | |
394 | %mindewt% | 16:43 | | |
395 | %maxheat% | 13.7 | | |
396 | %maxheatt% | 12:30 | | |
397 | %minheat% | 11.7 | | |
398 | %minheatt% | 16:48 | | |
399 | %avtempsince6amUSA% | 56.2 | | |
400 | %avtempsince6am% | 13.4 | | |
401 | %avtempsince6pmUSA% | 52.3 | | |
402 | %avtempsince6pm% | 11.3 | | |
403 | %tempinmetric% | 11.7 | | |
404 | %dewinmetric% | 7.4 | | |
405 | %heatindexinmetric% | 11.7 | | |
406 | %windchillinmetric% | 13.2 | | |
407 | %maxheatinmetric% | 13.7 | | |
408 | %minheatinmetric% | 11.7 | | |
409 | %maxhighdewinmetric% | 13.1 | | |
410 | %minlowdewinmetric% | 6.9 | | |
411 | %maxhighchillinmetric% | 13.4 | | |
412 | %minlowchillinmetric% | 9.3 | | |
413 | %wetbulb% | 9.6 | | |
414 | %tempinusa% | 53.1 | | |
415 | %dewinusa% | 45.4 | | |
416 | %hightempinusa% | 56.6 | | |
417 | %lowtempinusa% | 53.1 | | |
418 | %indoortempinmetric% | 20.2 | | |
419 | %dewchangelasthour% | +0.3 | | |
420 | %barochangelasthour% | +0.8 | | |
421 | %tempchangelasthourmetric% | -0.5 | | |
422 | %tempchangelasthourfaren% | -1.0 | | |
423 | %wholeroundedtempcelcius% | 12 | | |
424 | %wholeroundedtempfaren% | 53 | | |
425 | %humchangelasthour% | +4 | | |
426 | %maxindoortemp% | 20.7 | | |
427 | %maxindoortempcelsius% | 20.7 | | |
428 | %minindoortemp% | 19.3 | | |
429 | %minindoortempcelsius% | 19.3 | | |
430 | %maxindoortempt% | 14:29 | | |
431 | %minindoortempt% | 04:52 | | |
432 | %watertempcelsius% | -10 | | |
433 | %watertempfaren% | 14 | | |
434 | %visibility% | --- | | |
435 | %soiltemp% | 100.0 | | |
436 | %apparenttemp% | 11.3 | | |
437 | %apparentsolartemp% | 13.5 | | |
438 | %apparenttempc% | 11.3 | | |
439 | %apparentsolartempc% | 13.5 | | |
440 | %apparenttempf% | 52.3 | | |
441 | %apparentsolartempf% | 56.3 | | |
442 | %hiapparenttemp% | 16.1 | | |
443 | %loapparenttemp% | 7.0 | | |
444 | %hiapparenttemptime% | 12:57 | | |
445 | %loapparenttemptime% | 07:48 | | |
446 | %extratemp1% | 27.2 | | |
447 | %indoordewfaren% | 51.5 | | |
448 | %indoordewcelsius% | 10.8 | | |
449 | %humidexfaren% | 53.4 | | |
450 | %humidexcelsius% | 11.9 | | |
451 | %todayhihumidex% | 16.3 | | |
452 | %todaylohumidex% | 11.8 | | |
453 | %maxtemplast24hours% | 15.8 | | |
454 | %mintemplast24hours% | 11.7 | | |
455 | %maxtemplast24hourst% | 16:51 10/10/24 | | |
456 | %mintemplast24hourst% | 17:08 09/10/24 | | |
457 | %blackglobe% | 0.0 | | |
458 | %THI% | 55.6 | | |
459 | %HLI% | 31.7 | | |
460 | %HLIavwind% | %hliavwind% | | |
461 | %THIf% | 132.1 | | |
462 | %HLIf% | 143.6 | | |
463 | %HLIavwindf% | %hliavwindf% | | |
464 | %maxindoorhum% | 59 | | |
465 | %minindoorhum% | 55 | | |
466 | %dailyhighindoorhumtime% | 00:00 | | |
467 | %dailylowindoorhumtime% | 17:00 | | |
468 | %airdensity% | 1.22 | | |
469 | %abshum% | 5.84 | | |
470 | %todaylowgrass% | 50.0 c | | |
471 | %timeoflowgrass% | 17:30 | | |
472 | %generalextratemp1% | 27.2 | | |
473 | %generalextratemp2% | 12.4 | | |
474 | %generalextratemp3% | 11.9 | | |
475 | %generalextratemp4% | 12.3 | | |
476 | %generalextratemp5% | 12.6 | | |
477 | %generalextratemp6% | 11.9 | | |
478 | %generalextratemp7% | 12.5 | | |
479 | %generalextratemp8% | -100.0 | | |
480 | %generalextratemp1C% | 27.2 | | |
481 | %generalextratemp2C% | 12.4 | | |
482 | %generalextratemp3C% | 11.9 | | |
483 | %generalextratemp4C% | 12.3 | | |
484 | %generalextratemp5C% | 12.6 | | |
485 | %generalextratemp6C% | 11.9 | | |
486 | %generalextratemp7C% | 12.5 | | |
487 | %generalextratemp8C% | -100.0 | | |
488 | %generalextratemp1F% | 81.0 | | |
489 | %generalextratemp2F% | 54.3 | | |
490 | %generalextratemp3F% | 53.4 | | |
491 | %generalextratemp4F% | 54.1 | | |
492 | %generalextratemp5F% | 54.7 | | |
493 | %generalextratemp6F% | 53.4 | | |
494 | %generalextratemp7F% | 54.5 | | |
495 | %generalextratemp8F% | -148.0 | | |
496 | %wetbulbdiff% | 2.1 | | |
497 | %maxsoiltemp% | -100.0 | | |
498 | %soiltempincelsius% | 100.0 | | |
499 | %minsoiltemp% | 100.0 | | |
500 | %feelslike% | 12 | | |
501 | %feelslikedp% | 11.7 | | |
502 | %dailyhitemp12% | 13.7 | | |
503 | %dailylotemp12% | 11.7 | | |
504 | %nightlyhitemp12% | 15.3 | | |
505 | %nightlylotemp12% | 12.0 | | |
506 | %VPextratemp1high% | -100.0 | | |
507 | %VPextratemp2high% | -100.0 | | |
508 | %VPextratemp3high% | -100.0 | | |
509 | %VPextratemp4high% | -100.0 | | |
510 | %VPextratemp5high% | -100.0 | | |
511 | %VPextratemp6high% | -100.0 | | |
512 | %VPextratemp7high% | -100.0 | | |
513 | %VPextratemp1low% | 100.0 | | |
514 | %VPextratemp2low% | 100.0 | | |
515 | %VPextratemp3low% | 100.0 | | |
516 | %VPextratemp4low% | 100.0 | | |
517 | %VPextratemp5low% | 100.0 | | |
518 | %VPextratemp6low% | 100.0 | | |
519 | %VPextratemp7low% | 100.0 | | |
520 | %VPextrahum1high% | 0 | | |
521 | %VPextrahum1high% | 0 | | |
522 | %VPextrahum1high% | 0 | | |
523 | %VPextrahum1high% | 0 | | |
524 | %VPextrahum1high% | 0 | | |
525 | %VPextrahum1high% | 0 | | |
526 | %VPextrahum1high% | 0 | | |
527 | %VPextrahum1low% | 110 | | |
528 | %VPextrahum1low% | 110 | | |
529 | %VPextrahum1low% | 110 | | |
530 | %VPextrahum1low% | 110 | | |
531 | %VPextrahum1low% | 110 | | |
532 | %VPextrahum1low% | 110 | | |
533 | %VPextrahum1low% | 110 | | |
534 | %VPextratemp1hightime% | 17:00 | | |
535 | %VPextratemp2hightime% | 17:31 | | |
536 | %VPextratemp3hightime% | 17:31 | | |
537 | %VPextratemp4hightime% | | | |
538 | %VPextratemp5hightime% | | | |
539 | %VPextratemp6hightime% | | | |
540 | %VPextratemp7hightime% | | | |
541 | %VPextratemp1lowtime% | 03:49 | | |
542 | %VPextratemp2lowtime% | 15:16 | | |
543 | %VPextratemp3lowtime% | | | |
544 | %VPextratemp4lowtime% | | | |
545 | %VPextratemp5lowtime% | | | |
546 | %VPextratemp6lowtime% | | | |
547 | %VPextratemp7lowtime% | | | |
548 | %VPextrahum1hightime% | 02:12 | | |
549 | %VPextrahum1hightime% | 02:12 | | |
550 | %VPextrahum1hightime% | 02:12 | | |
551 | %VPextrahum1hightime% | 02:12 | | |
552 | %VPextrahum1hightime% | 02:12 | | |
553 | %VPextrahum1hightime% | 02:12 | | |
554 | %VPextrahum1hightime% | 02:12 | | |
555 | %VPextrahum1lowtime% | 14:07 | | |
556 | %VPextrahum1lowtime% | 14:07 | | |
557 | %VPextrahum1lowtime% | 14:07 | | |
558 | %VPextrahum1lowtime% | 14:07 | | |
559 | %VPextrahum1lowtime% | 14:07 | | |
560 | %VPextrahum1lowtime% | 14:07 | | |
561 | %VPextrahum1lowtime% | 14:07 | | |
562 | %wetbulbextratemp1% | 47.2 | | |
563 | %wetbulbextratemp2% | 45.3 | | |
564 | %wetbulbextratemp3% | 45.2 | | |
565 | %wetbulbextratemp4% | 45.2 | | |
566 | %wetbulbextratemp5% | 45.3 | | |
567 | %vaisalaanalog% | 0.0 | | |
568 | %vaisalahailaccum% | 0.0 | | |
569 | %vaisalahailpeak% | 0.0 | | |
570 | %vaisalahailinte% | 0.0 | | |
571 | %vaisalahaildura% | 0.0 | | |
572 | | -- yesterday: | | |
573 | %tempchangehour% | -0.6 | | |
574 | %maxdewyest% | 14.1 | | |
575 | %maxdewyestt% | 11:40 | | |
576 | %mindewyest% | 11.4 | | |
577 | %mindewyestt% | 23:54 | | |
578 | %maxhumyestt% | 23:57 | | |
579 | %minhumyest% | 81 | | |
580 | %minhumyestt% | 12:08 | | |
581 | %maxchillyest% | 16.8 | | |
582 | %maxchillyestt% | 12:03 | | |
583 | %minchillyest% | 11.3 | | |
584 | %minchillyestt% | 08:15 | | |
585 | %maxheatyest% | 16.9 | | |
586 | %maxheatyestt% | 12:04 | | |
587 | %minheatyest% | 12.0 | | |
588 | %minheatyestt% | 23:54 | | |
589 | %maxtempyest% | 16.9 | | |
590 | %maxtempyestt% | 12:04 | | |
591 | %mintempyest% | 12.0 | | |
592 | %mintempyestt% | 23:54 | | |
593 | %maxindoortempyest% | 20.7 | | |
594 | %minindoortempyest% | 19.5 | | |
595 | %maxindoortempyestt% | 00:07 | | |
596 | %minindoortempyestt% | 08:07 | | |
597 | %maxtempyestnodp% | 16 | | |
598 | %mintempyestnodp% | 12 | | |
599 | %yesterdayavtemp% | 14.1 | | |
600 | | -- trends: | | |
601 | %tempchange24hour% | -4.1 | | |
602 | %barochange24hour% | +16.7 mb | | |
603 | %humchange24hour% | -12 % | | |
604 | %windchange24hour% | -5.5 km/h | | |
605 | %dewchange24hour% | -6.2 | | |
606 | %rainchange24hour% | 2.8 mm | | |
607 | %temp24hoursago% | 15.8 | | |
608 | %baro24hoursago% | 985.8 | | |
609 | %wind24hoursago% | 9.3 | | |
610 | %gust24hoursago% | 20.4 | | |
611 | %dir24hoursago% | 169 | | |
612 | %hum24hoursago% | 87 | | |
613 | %dew24hoursago% | 13.6 | | |
614 | %solar24hoursago% | 67.0 | | |
615 | %uv24hoursago% | 0.0 | | |
616 | %apparentsolartemp24hourago% | 17.6 | | |
617 | %maxtempyrago% | 20.4 | | |
618 | %mintempyrago% | 15.1 | | |
619 | %avtempyrago% | 17.3 | | |
620 | %maxbaroyrago% | 1019.5 mb | | |
621 | %minbaroyrago% | 1010.0 mb | | |
622 | %avbaroyrago% | 1015.1 mb | | |
623 | %maxhumyrago% | 98 % | | |
624 | %minhumyrago% | 80 % | | |
625 | %avhumyrago% | 91.9 % | | |
626 | %maxwindyrago% | 37.0 km/h | | |
627 | %minwindyrago% | 0.0 km/h | | |
628 | %avwindyrago% | 6.8 km/h | | |
629 | %maxdewyrago% | 18.3 °c | | |
630 | %mindewyrago% | 14.5 °c | | |
631 | %avdewyrago% | 15.9 | | |
632 | %chillyearago% | 14.8 | | |
633 | %heatyearago% | 20.0 | | |
634 | %hoursoffrost% | 00:00 | | |
635 | | -- wind current: | | |
636 | %avgspd% | 1.6 | | |
637 | %avnodp% | 2 | | |
638 | %avnodpmph% | 1 | | |
639 | %gstspd% | 0.0 | | |
640 | %gustnodp% | 0 | | |
641 | %gustnodpmph% | 0 | | |
642 | %dirdeg% | 15 | | |
643 | %dirlabel% | nne | | |
644 | %dirlabeldutch% | nno | | |
645 | %dirlabelfrench% | nne | | |
646 | %winddirinwords% | north north east | | |
647 | %winddirinwordsdutch% | noord noord oost | | |
648 | %winddirinwordsfrench% | nord nord est | | |
649 | %maxgst% | 48.3 | | |
650 | %maxgstnodp% | 48 | | |
651 | %maxgstwords% | 48 kmh from the north north east | | |
652 | %maxgstdirectionletter% | nne | | |
653 | %maxavgdirectionletter% | n | | |
654 | %maxgstt% | 07:17 | | |
655 | %maxavgspd% | 35.4 | | |
656 | %maxavgspdt% | 07:18 | | |
657 | %maxgsthr% | 37 kmh nne | | |
658 | %maxgsthrt% | 16:32 | | |
659 | %maxgustlastimediatehour% | 37.0 | | |
660 | %maxgustlastimediatehourtime% | 16:32 | | |
661 | %maxgustlastimediatehourdir% | 351 | | |
662 | %maxgustlastimediatehourdirword% | n | | |
663 | %maxgustlastimediatehourdirwords% | northerly | | |
664 | %maxgustlastimediate10% | 16.1 | | |
665 | %maxgustlastimediate15% | 24.1 | | |
666 | %maxgustlastimediate30% | 37.0 | | |
667 | %maxgustlastimediate60% | 37.0 | | |
668 | %maxgustlastimediate120% | 37.0 | | |
669 | %avwindlastimediate10% | 3.7 | | |
670 | %avwindlastimediate15% | 8.9 | | |
671 | %avwindlastimediate30% | 12.1 | | |
672 | %avwindlastimediate60% | 12.9 | | |
673 | %avwindlastimediate120% | 13.8 | | |
674 | %avdirlastimediate10% | 344 | | |
675 | %avdirlastimediate15% | 357 | | |
676 | %avdirlastimediate30% | 3 | | |
677 | %avdirlastimediate60% | 360 | | |
678 | %avdirlastimediate120% | 360 | | |
679 | %avdir10minute% | 349 | | |
680 | %avtenminutewind% | 3.7 | | |
681 | %1mingustwind% | 5.5 | | |
682 | %max1minuteavwind% | 35.2 | | |
683 | %max1minuteavwinddata% | 20.4 | | |
684 | %avspeedinmetric% | 0.9 | | |
685 | %gustspeedinmetric% | 0.0 | | |
686 | %avspeedinkmh% | 1.6 | | |
687 | %gustspeedinkmh% | 0.0 | | |
688 | %beaufortnum% | 1 | | |
689 | %currbftspeed% | 0 bft | | |
690 | %bftmaxgustlasthr% | krachtige wind | | |
691 | %bftmaxgustlast24hr% | krachtige wind | | |
692 | %bftmaxgustlast24hrnu% | %bftmaxgustlast24hrnu% | | |
693 | %todaygustspeedinmetric% | 26.1 | | |
694 | %maxgustlasthourinmetric% | 20.0 | | |
695 | %10minavspeedinmetric% | 1.6 | | |
696 | %10minavspeedinkmh% | 3.0 | | |
697 | %maxavspeedinkts% | 19.1 | | |
698 | %maxgustlasthourkts% | 20.0 | | |
699 | %maxgustlastmininkts% | 3.0 | | |
700 | %max1minavspeedlast12hrs% | 18.0 | | |
701 | %maxdailygustinkts% | 26.1 | | |
702 | %windgaugepointer% | avwindpoint1 | | |
703 | %gustgaugepointer% | | | |
704 | %10minuteavspeedbft% | 1 bft | | |
705 | %windinmph% | 1.0 | | |
706 | %gustinmph% | 0.0 | | |
707 | %curdir10minutelabel% | nnw | | |
708 | %currentavtenminutewindms% | 1.0 | | |
709 | %highavtenminutewind% | 43.3 | | |
710 | %highavtenminutewindms% | 12.0 | | |
711 | %highavtenminutewindkts% | 23.4 | | |
712 | %highavtenminutewindkmh% | 43.3 | | |
713 | %todaygustspeedinm/s% | 13.4 | | |
714 | %maxgustlasthourinm/s% | 10.3 | | |
715 | %10minavspeedinm/s% | 0.8 | | |
716 | %maxavspeedinm/s% | 9.8 | | |
717 | %maxgustlasthourm/s% | 10.3 | | |
718 | %maxgustlastmininm/s% | 1.5 | | |
719 | %todaygustspeedinkmh% | 48.3 | | |
720 | %max1minavspeedlast12hrsm/s% | 9.3 | | |
721 | %maxdailygustinm/s% | 13.4 | | |
722 | %maxdailygustinmph% | 30.0 | | |
723 | %windruntodatethismonth% | 7796.15 km | | |
724 | %windruntodatethisyear% | 114200.01 km | | |
725 | %windruntoday% | 229.22 | | |
726 | %windrunyesterday% | 156.82 | | |
727 | %bftspeedtext% | windstil | | |
728 | %bftspeedtext10% | zwakke wind | | |
729 | %last24houravdir% | 16 | | |
730 | %last24houravdirword% | north northeasterly | | |
731 | %last24houravdirday% | 13 | | |
732 | %last24houravdirwordday% | north northeasterly | | |
733 | %avgspeedsincereset% | 13.7 | | |
734 | | -- yesterday: | | |
735 | %maxgustyest% | 39 kmh s | | |
736 | %maxgustyestnodir% | 39 | | |
737 | %maxgustyestt% | 11:26 | | |
738 | %maxaverageyest% | 24 | | |
739 | %maxaverageyestnodir% | 24 | | |
740 | %maxaverageyestt% | 11:47 | | |
741 | | baromometer current: | | |
742 | %baro% | 1002.5 | | |
743 | %trend% | +0.8 | | |
744 | %highbaro% | 1002.5 | | |
745 | %highbarot% | 16:56 | | |
746 | %lowbaro% | 983.6 | | |
747 | %lowbarot% | 00:47 | | |
748 | %pressurechangein3hour% | +3.1 | | |
749 | %pressurechangein6hour% | +7.5 | | |
750 | %pressurechangein12hour% | +17.1 | | |
751 | %pressurechangein24hour% | +16.9 | | |
752 | %pressuretrendname% | rising slowly | | |
753 | %pressuretrendname3hour% | rising rapidly | | |
754 | %maxbaroinmetric% | 1002.5 hpa | | |
755 | %minbaroinmetric% | 983.6 hpa | | |
756 | %baroinusa% | 29.604 inches | | |
757 | %baroinusa2dp% | 29.60 inches | | |
758 | %baroinmetric% | 1002.5 | | |
759 | %baroinkpa% | 100.3 | | |
760 | %currentpressureinmb% | 1002.5 | | |
761 | %pressurechangehourinmb% | +0.8 | | |
762 | %pressurechange3hourinmb% | +3.1 | | |
763 | %pressurechange6hourinmb% | +7.5 | | |
764 | %pressurechange12hourinmb% | +17.1 | | |
765 | %pressurechange24hourinmb% | +16.9 | | |
766 | %baroininches2dp% | 29.60 | | |
767 | %vpforecasttext% | helderder, koeler en winderig. | | |
768 | %vapourpressure% | 10.31 | | |
769 | %forecasticonword% | sunny | | |
770 | | -- yesterday: | | |
771 | %maxbaroyest% | 995.1 | | |
772 | %maxbaroyestt% | 00:00 | | |
773 | %minbaroyest% | 983.7 | | |
774 | %minbaroyestt% | 23:53 | | |
775 | %maxhumyest% | 97 | | |
776 | | -- rain current: | | |
777 | %dayrn% | 2.8 | | |
778 | %dayrnusa% | 0.11 | | |
779 | %monthrn% | 181.8 | | |
780 | %yearrn% | 765.0 | | |
781 | %hourrn% | 0.0 | | |
782 | %maxhourrn% | 2.8 | | |
783 | %maxhourrnt% | 05:37 | | |
784 | %maxrain/minlasthour% | 0.0 | | |
785 | %maxrain/hourlast6hours% | 0.0 | | |
786 | %totalrainlast3hours% | 0.0 | | |
787 | %totalrainlast6hours% | 0.0 | | |
788 | %totalrainlast24hours% | 2.8 | | |
789 | %currentmonthaveragerain% | --- | | |
790 | %currentmonthaveragetemp% | --- | | |
791 | %dayswithnorain% | 0 | | |
792 | %dayswithrain% | 5 | | |
793 | %consecdayswithrain% | 1 | | |
794 | %dayswithrainyear% | 144 | | |
795 | %rainduration% | 0 | | |
796 | %todayraininmm% | 2.8 | | |
797 | %monthraininmm% | 181.8 | | |
798 | %yearlyraininmm% | 765.0 | | |
799 | %rainlasthourmm% | 0.0 | | |
800 | %rainlast3hourmm% | 0.0 | | |
801 | %rainlast6hourmm% | 0.0 | | |
802 | %rainlast10min% | 0.0 | | |
803 | %maxrain/minlasthourmm% | 0.0 | | |
804 | %maxrain/hourlast6hoursmm% | 0.0 | | |
805 | %maxrain/hourlast6hoursusa% | 0.00 | | |
806 | %timeoflastrainalways% | 05:36 | | |
807 | %dateoflastrainalways% | 10/10/2024 | | |
808 | %timeoflastrain% | 05:36 | | |
809 | %dateoflastrain% | 10/10/2024 | | |
810 | %currentrainrate% | 0.0 | | |
811 | %currentrainratehr% | 0.00 | | |
812 | %maxrainrate% | 3.0 | | |
813 | %maxrainratehr% | 180.0 | | |
814 | %maxrainratetime% | 05:01 | | |
815 | %raincurrentweek% | 1.8 | | |
816 | %maxrain/hourlastmonthtodate% | 2.8 | | |
817 | %monthrnusa% | 7.16 | | |
818 | %yearrnusa% | 30.12 | | |
819 | %hourrnusa% | 0.00 | | |
820 | %raintodatemonthago% | 22.6 | | |
821 | %raintodateyearago% | 556.6 | | |
822 | %avrainjan% | 80.7 | | |
823 | %avrainfeb% | 52.0 | | |
824 | %avrainmar% | 46.9 | | |
825 | %avrainapr% | 40.1 | | |
826 | %avrainmay% | 51.6 | | |
827 | %avrainjun% | 65.5 | | |
828 | %avrainjul% | 88.9 | | |
829 | %avrainaug% | 100.6 | | |
830 | %avrainsep% | 74.0 | | |
831 | %avrainoct% | 76.2 | | |
832 | %avrainnov% | 75.0 | | |
833 | %avraindec% | 82.8 | | |
834 | %rainjan% | 121.8 | | |
835 | %rainfeb% | 33.4 | | |
836 | %rainmar% | 8.6 | | |
837 | %rainapr% | 100.6 | | |
838 | %rainmay% | 132.8 | | |
839 | %rainjun% | 19.6 | | |
840 | %rainjul% | 123.2 | | |
841 | %rainaug% | --- | | |
842 | %rainsep% | --- | | |
843 | %rainoct% | --- | | |
844 | %rainnov% | --- | | |
845 | %raindec% | --- | | |
846 | %nowrainjan% | 81.6 | | |
847 | %nowrainfeb% | 94.0 | | |
848 | %nowrainmar% | 94.0 | | |
849 | %nowrainapr% | 79.4 | | |
850 | %nowrainmay% | 94.8 | | |
851 | %nowrainjun% | 94.8 | | |
852 | %nowrainjul% | 127.0 | | |
853 | %nowrainaug% | 127.0 | | |
854 | %nowrainsep% | --- | | |
855 | %nowrainoct% | 181.8 | | |
856 | %nowrainnov% | --- | | |
857 | %nowraindec% | --- | | |
858 | %myavjanrain% | 0.0 | | |
859 | %myavfebrain% | 0.0 | | |
860 | %myavmarrain% | 0.0 | | |
861 | %myavaprrain% | 0.0 | | |
862 | %myavmayrain% | 0.0 | | |
863 | %myavjunrain% | 0.0 | | |
864 | %myavjulrain% | 0.0 | | |
865 | %myavaugrain% | 0.0 | | |
866 | %myavseprain% | 0.0 | | |
867 | %myavoctrain% | 0.0 | | |
868 | %myavnovrain% | 0.0 | | |
869 | %myavdecrain% | 0.0 | | |
870 | %vpstormrainstart% | 10/10/2024 | | |
871 | %vpstormrain% | 2.8 | | |
872 | | -- yesterday: | | |
873 | %ystdyrain% | 0.0 | | |
874 | %yesterdayrain% | 0.0 | | |
875 | %yesterdayrainmm% | 0.0 | | |
876 | %ystdyrainusa% | 0.00 | | |
877 | | -- over the last week | | |
878 | %rainonmonday% | 0.6 | | |
879 | %rainontuesday% | 1.2 | | |
880 | %rainonwedensday% | 0.0 | | |
881 | %rainonthursday% | 0.0 | | |
882 | %rainonfriday% | 0.0 | | |
883 | %rainonsaturday% | 0.0 | | |
884 | %rainonsunday% | 0.0 | | |
885 | | -- fire weather | | |
886 | %FWIffmc% | 59.0 | | |
887 | %FWIbui% | 2.3 | | |
888 | %FWIisi% | 1.1 | | |
889 | %FWIdmc% | 1.2 | | |
890 | %FWIdc% | 131.2 | | |
891 | %FWIfwi% | 0.3 | | |
892 | %chandler% | 1.4 | | |
893 | | -- sunshine/solar/et | | |
894 | %Currentsolardescription% | zonnig/droog | | |
895 | %sunshinehourstodatemonth% | 19:01 | | |
896 | %sunshinehourstodateyear% | 651:23 | | |
897 | %sunshinehourstodateday% | 01:10 | | |
898 | %sunshineyesterday% | 00:35 | | |
899 | %VPsolar% | 83 | | |
900 | %VPuv% | 0.0 | | |
901 | %VPet% | 0.8 | | |
902 | %VPetmonth% | 115.8 | | |
903 | %highsolar% | 468 | | |
904 | %lowsolar% | 0 | | |
905 | %highuv% | 1.8 | | |
906 | %lowuv% | 0.0 | | |
907 | %currentsolarpercent% | 100 | | |
908 | %currentwdet% | 1.5 | | |
909 | %yesterdaywdet% | 0.9 | | |
910 | %yesterdaydaviset% | 0.7 | | |
911 | %etcurrentweek% | 7.6 | | |
912 | %raincurrentweek% | 1.8 | | |
913 | %growsolar% | 83 | | |
914 | %hoursofpossibledaylight% | 10:56 | | |
915 | %daylengthyesterday% | 11:00:00 | | |
916 | %highsolartime% | 12:54 | | |
917 | %lowsolartime% | 00:00 | | |
918 | %highuvtime% | 12:48 | | |
919 | %lowuvtime% | 00:00 | | |
920 | %highsolaryest% | 390.0 | | |
921 | %highsolaryesttime% | 12:34 | | |
922 | %highuvyest% | 1.6 | | |
923 | %highuvyesttime% | 12:33 | | |
924 | %maxsolarfortime% | 80 | | |
925 | %sunshinehoursinlastwholehour% | --- | | |
926 | %sunshinehoursinlast10% | 5 | | |
927 | %sunshinehoursinlast60% | 60 | | |
928 | %sunshinehoursinlast10percent% | 50 | | |
929 | %sunshinehoursinlast60percent% | 100 | | |
930 | %burntime% | 720 | | |
931 | %THSW% | 10.9 | | |
932 | | -- the solar setup. | | |
933 | %hiTHSW% | 15.0 | | |
934 | %loTHSW% | 10.8 | | |
935 | %solarnoon% | 13:24 | | |
936 | | -- vp soil temp/moisture/extra temperature/humidity | | |
937 | %VPsoilmoisture% | 255.0 | | |
938 | %VPsoilmoisture2% | 255.0 | | |
939 | %VPsoilmoisture3% | 255.0 | | |
940 | %VPsoilmoisture4% | 255.0 | | |
941 | %VPsoiltemp2% | 255 | | |
942 | %VPsoiltemp3% | 255 | | |
943 | %VPsoiltemp4% | 255 | | |
944 | %VPextratemp1% | 255.0 | | |
945 | %VPextratemp2% | 255.0 | | |
946 | %VPextratemp1hi% | -100.0 | | |
947 | %VPextratemp1lo% | 100.0 | | |
948 | %VPextratemp2hi% | -100.0 | | |
949 | %VPextratemp2lo% | 100.0 | | |
950 | %VPextratemp3hi% | -100.0 | | |
951 | %VPextratemp3lo% | 100.0 | | |
952 | %VPextratemp4hi% | -100.0 | | |
953 | %VPextratemp4lo% | 100.0 | | |
954 | %VPextrahum1% | 255 | | |
955 | %VPextrahum2% | 255 | | |
956 | %VPleaf% | 0 | | |
957 | %VPleaf2% | 0 | | |
958 | %VPleaf3% | 0 | | |
959 | %VPleaf4% | 0 | | |
960 | %hiVPleaf% | -100 | | |
961 | %loVPleaf% | 100 | | |
962 | %hiVPsoilmoisture% | -100.0 | | |
963 | %loVPsoilmoisture% | 1000.0 | | |
964 | %hiVPsoilmoisture2% | -100.0 | | |
965 | %loVPsoilmoisture2% | 1000.0 | | |
966 | %hiVPsoilmoisture3% | -100.0 | | |
967 | %loVPsoilmoisture3% | 1000.0 | | |
968 | %hiVPsoilmoisture4% | -100.0 | | |
969 | %loVPsoilmoisture4% | 1000.0 | | |
970 | %hiVPsoiltemp2% | -100.0 | | |
971 | %loVPsoiltemp2% | 100.0 | | |
972 | %hiVPsoiltemp3% | -100.0 | | |
973 | %loVPsoiltemp3% | 100.0 | | |
974 | %hiVPsoiltemp4% | -100.0 | | |
975 | %loVPsoiltemp4% | 100.0 | | |
976 | %leafminlast10min% | 0 | | |
977 | %leafminlast60min% | 0 | | |
978 | %leafminlast10min2% | 0 | | |
979 | %leafminlast60min2% | 0 | | |
980 | %vpconsolebattery% | 3.8 | | |
981 | %vpissstatus% | ok | | |
982 | %vpreception% | 15083 225 0 403 77 | | |
983 | %vpreception2% | 99% | | |
984 | | -- ws2000/wmr900h/la crosse 2010-13 data logger | | |
985 | %ws2000sen1t% | 0.0 | | |
986 | %ws2000sen1h% | 0 | | |
987 | %hiws2000sen1t% | 27.2 | | |
988 | %lows2000sen1t% | 27.2 | | |
989 | %hiws2000sen1h% | 0 | | |
990 | %lows2000sen1h% | -100 | | |
991 | %hiws2000sen1ht% | 00:08 | | |
992 | %lows2000sen1ht% | 00:00 | | |
993 | %hiws2000sen1tt% | 00:00 | | |
994 | %lows2000sen1tt% | 00:00 | | |
995 | %ws2010sensorstatus1% | | | |
996 | %ws2010sensorstatus2% | | | |
997 | %ws2010sensorstatus3% | | | |
998 | %ws2010sensorstatus4% | | | |
999 | %ws2010sensorstatus5% | | | |
1000 | %ws2010sensorstatus6% | | | |
1001 | %ws2010sensorstatus7% | | | |
1002 | %ws2010sensorstatus8% | | | |
1003 | %ws2010sensorstatusrain% | | | |
1004 | %ws2010sensorstatuswind% | | | |
1005 | %ws2010sensorstatusindoor% | | | |
1006 | | -- record readings | | |
1007 | %recordhightemp% | 36.4 | | |
1008 | %recordlowtemp% | -14.4 | | |
1009 | %recordwindgust% | 124.0 | | |
1010 | %recordwindspeed% | 87.7 | | |
1011 | %recorddailyrain% | 56.8 | | |
1012 | %recordlowchill% | -17.1 | | |
1013 | %recordlowchillhour% | 3 | | |
1014 | %recordlowchillminute% | 36 | | |
1015 | %recordlowchillday% | 1 | | |
1016 | %recordlowchillmonth% | 3 | | |
1017 | %recordlowchillyear% | 2018 | | |
1018 | %recordhighbaro% | 1046.1 | | |
1019 | %recordlowbaro% | 908.8 | | |
1020 | %recorddailyrainday% | 30 | | |
1021 | %recorddailyrainmonth% | 7 | | |
1022 | %recorddailyrainyear% | 2014 | | |
1023 | %recordlowbaroday% | 29 | | |
1024 | %recordhighbaroday% | 20 | | |
1025 | %recordlowbaromonth% | 3 | | |
1026 | %recordhighbaromonth% | 1 | | |
1027 | %recordlowbaroyear% | 2023 | | |
1028 | %recordhighbaroyear% | 2020 | | |
1029 | %recordlowtempday% | 7 | | |
1030 | %recordhightempday% | 25 | | |
1031 | %recordlowtempmonth% | 2 | | |
1032 | %recordhightempmonth% | 7 | | |
1033 | %recordlowtempyear% | 2012 | | |
1034 | %recordhightempyear% | 2019 | | |
1035 | %recordhighgustday% | 28 | | |
1036 | %recordhighgustmonth% | 10 | | |
1037 | %recordhighgustyear% | 2013 | | |
1038 | %recordhighavwindday% | 28 | | |
1039 | %recordhighavwindmonth% | 10 | | |
1040 | %recordhighavwindyear% | 2013 | | |
1041 | %recordhighheatindex% | 42.3 | | |
1042 | %recordhighheatindexday% | 25 | | |
1043 | %recordhighheatindexmonth% | 7 | | |
1044 | %recordhighheatindexyear% | 2019 | | |
1045 | %coldestnightonrecord% | -10.3c on: 04 feb 2012 | | |
1046 | %coldestdayonrecord% | -14.1c on: 05 dec 2010 | | |
1047 | %warmestnightonrecord% | 25.4c on: 12 aug 2020 | | |
1048 | %warmestdayonrecord% | 33.0 c on: 08 jul 2023 | | |
1049 | %recordhighdew% | 24.5 | | |
1050 | %recordhighdewday% | 4 | | |
1051 | %recordhighdewmonth% | 7 | | |
1052 | %recordhighdewyear% | 2015 | | |
1053 | %recordlowdew% | -46.1 | | |
1054 | %recordlowdewday% | 5 | | |
1055 | %recordlowdewmonth% | 12 | | |
1056 | %recordlowdewyear% | 2010 | | |
1057 | %recordhighhum% | 100 | | |
1058 | %recordhighhumday% | 10 | | |
1059 | %recordhighhummonth% | 4 | | |
1060 | %recordhighhumyear% | 2008 | | |
1061 | %recordlowhum% | 0 | | |
1062 | %recordlowhumday% | 10 | | |
1063 | %recordlowhummonth% | 1 | | |
1064 | %recordlowhumyear% | 2016 | | |
1065 | %recordhighsolar% | 1382.0 | | |
1066 | %recordhighsolarday% | 22 | | |
1067 | %recordhighsolarmonth% | 6 | | |
1068 | %recordhighsolaryear% | 2018 | | |
1069 | %recordhighuv% | 8.3 | | |
1070 | %recordhighuvday% | 1 | | |
1071 | %recordhighuvmonth% | 7 | | |
1072 | %recordhighuvyear% | 2023 | | |
1073 | %recordhighsoil% | -100.0 | | |
1074 | %recordlowsoil% | 100.0 | | |
1075 | %recordhighsoilday% | 7 | | |
1076 | %recordlowsoilday% | 7 | | |
1077 | %recordhighsoilmonth% | 3 | | |
1078 | %recordlowsoilmonth% | 3 | | |
1079 | %recordhighsoilyear% | 2008 | | |
1080 | %recordlowsoilyear% | 2008 | | |
1081 | %recordhighsoil2% | 0.0 | | |
1082 | %recordlowsoil2% | 0.0 | | |
1083 | %recordhighsoilday2% | 7 | | |
1084 | %recordlowsoilday2% | 7 | | |
1085 | %recordhighsoilmonth2% | 3 | | |
1086 | %recordlowsoilmonth2% | 3 | | |
1087 | %recordhighsoilyear2% | 2008 | | |
1088 | %recordlowsoilyear2% | 2008 | | |
1089 | %recordhighsoil3% | 0.0 | | |
1090 | %recordlowsoil3% | 0.0 | | |
1091 | %recordhighsoilday3% | 7 | | |
1092 | %recordlowsoilday3% | 7 | | |
1093 | %recordhighsoilmonth3% | 3 | | |
1094 | %recordlowsoilmonth3% | 3 | | |
1095 | %recordhighsoilyear3% | 2008 | | |
1096 | %recordlowsoilyear3% | 2008 | | |
1097 | %recordhighsoil4% | 0.0 | | |
1098 | %recordlowsoil4% | 0.0 | | |
1099 | %recordhighsoilday4% | 7 | | |
1100 | %recordlowsoilday4% | 7 | | |
1101 | %recordhighsoilmonth4% | 3 | | |
1102 | %recordlowsoilmonth4% | 3 | | |
1103 | %recordhighsoilyear4% | 2008 | | |
1104 | %recordlowsoilyear4% | 0 | | |
1105 | %recordlowgrass% | %recordlowgrass% | | |
1106 | %recordlowgrassday% | %recordlowgrassday% | | |
1107 | %recordlowgrassmonth% | %recordlowgrassmonth% | | |
1108 | %recordlowgrassyear% | %recordlowgrassyear% | | |
1109 | %recordhighthsw% | 45.0 | | |
1110 | %recordlowthsw% | -50.0 | | |
1111 | %recordhighwindrun% | 1339.2 | | |
1112 | %recordhighwindrunday% | 12 | | |
1113 | %recordhighwindrunmth% | 12 | | |
1114 | %recordhighwindrunyr% | 2010 | | |
1115 | %recordhighrainmth% | 608.8 | | |
1116 | %recordhighrainmthmth% | 11 | | |
1117 | %recordhighrainmthyr% | 2019 | | |
1118 | %recordrainrate% | 20.0 | | |
1119 | %recordrainrateday% | 14 | | |
1120 | %recordrainratemonth% | 7 | | |
1121 | %recordrainrateyear% | 2012 | | |
1122 | %recordrainratehour% | 2 | | |
1123 | %recordrainratemin% | 2 | | |
1124 | %recorddaysnorain% | 34 | | |
1125 | %recorddaysnorainday% | 28 | | |
1126 | %recorddaysnorainmonth% | 7 | | |
1127 | %recorddaysnorainyear% | 2018 | | |
1128 | %recorddayswithrain% | 40 | | |
1129 | %recorddayswithrainday% | 6 | | |
1130 | %recorddayswithrainmonth% | 12 | | |
1131 | %recorddayswithrainyear% | 2023 | | |
1132 | %recordhightempcurrentmonth% | 25.4 | | |
1133 | %recordlowtempcurrentmonth% | -1.4 | | |
1134 | %recordhightempjan% | 10.9 | | |
1135 | %recordhightempfeb% | 12.9 | | |
1136 | %recordhightempmar% | 20.6 | | |
1137 | %recordhightempapr% | 22.6 | | |
1138 | %recordhightempmay% | 28.6 | | |
1139 | %recordhightempjun% | 32.1 | | |
1140 | %recordhightempjul% | 33.8 | | |
1141 | %recordhightempaug% | 34.4 | | |
1142 | %recordhightempsep% | 31.1 | | |
1143 | %recordhightempoct% | 25.4 | | |
1144 | %recordhightempnov% | 17.6 | | |
1145 | %recordhightempdec% | 12.7 | | |
1146 | %recordlowtempjan% | -12.9 | | |
1147 | %recordlowtempfeb% | -40.9 | | |
1148 | %recordlowtempmar% | -9.0 | | |
1149 | %recordlowtempapr% | -3.2 | | |
1150 | %recordlowtempmay% | 6.1 | | |
1151 | %recordlowtempjun% | 8.6 | | |
1152 | %recordlowtempjul% | 9.5 | | |
1153 | %recordlowtempaug% | 7.6 | | |
1154 | %recordlowtempsep% | 4.4 | | |
1155 | %recordlowtempoct% | -1.4 | | |
1156 | %recordlowtempnov% | -39.6 | | |
1157 | %recordlowtempdec% | -46.9 | | |
1158 | %recordhighleaf% | 255.0 | | |
1159 | %recordhighleafday% | 22 | | |
1160 | %recordhighleafmonth% | 2 | | |
1161 | %recordhighleafyear% | 2020 | | |
1162 | %recordhighsoilmoist% | 255.0 | | |
1163 | %recordhighsoilmoistday% | 9 | | |
1164 | %recordhighsoilmoistmonth% | 11 | | |
1165 | %recordhighsoilmoistyear% | 2008 | | |
1166 | | -- for current month to date: | | |
1167 | %mrecordhightemp% | 18.2 | | |
1168 | %mrecordlowtemp% | 4.5 | | |
1169 | %mrecordwindgust% | 48.3 | | |
1170 | %mrecordwindspeed% | 35.4 | | |
1171 | %mrecorddailyrain% | 8.0 | | |
1172 | %mrecordlowchill% | 4.2 | | |
1173 | %mrecordlowchillhour% | 7 | | |
1174 | %mrecordlowchillminute% | 22 | | |
1175 | %mrecordlowchillday% | 6 | | |
1176 | %mrecordlowchillmonth% | 10 | | |
1177 | %mrecordlowchillyear% | 2024 | | |
1178 | %mrecordhighbaro% | 1022.8 | | |
1179 | %mrecordlowbaro% | 983.6 | | |
1180 | %mrecorddailyrainday% | 1 | | |
1181 | %mrecorddailyrainmonth% | 10 | | |
1182 | %mrecorddailyrainyear% | 2024 | | |
1183 | %mrecordlowbaroday% | 10 | | |
1184 | %mrecordhighbaroday% | 4 | | |
1185 | %mrecordlowbaromonth% | 10 | | |
1186 | %mrecordhighbaromonth% | 10 | | |
1187 | %mrecordlowbaroyear% | 2024 | | |
1188 | %mrecordhighbaroyear% | 2024 | | |
1189 | %mrecordlowtempday% | 5 | | |
1190 | %mrecordhightempday% | 7 | | |
1191 | %mrecordlowtempmonth% | 10 | | |
1192 | %mrecordhightempmonth% | 10 | | |
1193 | %mrecordlowtempyear% | 2024 | | |
1194 | %mrecordhightempyear% | 2024 | | |
1195 | %mrecordhighgustday% | 10 | | |
1196 | %mrecordhighgustmonth% | 10 | | |
1197 | %mrecordhighgustyear% | 2024 | | |
1198 | %mrecordhighavwindday% | 10 | | |
1199 | %mrecordhighavwindmonth% | 10 | | |
1200 | %mrecordhighavwindyear% | 2024 | | |
1201 | %mrecordhighheatindex% | 18.2 | | |
1202 | %mrecordhighheatindexday% | 7 | | |
1203 | %mrecordhighheatindexmonth% | 10 | | |
1204 | %mrecordhighheatindexyear% | 2024 | | |
1205 | %mcoldestnightonrecord% | 8.1c on: 06 oct 2024 | | |
1206 | %mcoldestdayonrecord% | 11.3c on: 06 oct 2024 | | |
1207 | %mwarmestnightonrecord% | 12.6c on: 01 oct 2024 | | |
1208 | %mwarmestdayonrecord% | 13.5c on: 01 oct 2024 | | |
1209 | %mrecorddailyrainday% | 1 | | |
1210 | %mrecordhighdew% | 15.7 | | |
1211 | %mrecordhighdewday% | 8 | | |
1212 | %mrecordhighdewmonth% | 10 | | |
1213 | %mrecordhighdewyear% | 2024 | | |
1214 | %mrecordlowdew% | 3.9 | | |
1215 | %mrecordlowdewday% | 5 | | |
1216 | %mrecordlowdewmonth% | 10 | | |
1217 | %mrecordlowdewyear% | 2024 | | |
1218 | %mrecordhighhum% | 100 | | |
1219 | %mrecordhighhumday% | 6 | | |
1220 | %mrecordhighhummonth% | 10 | | |
1221 | %mrecordhighhumyear% | 2024 | | |
1222 | %mrecordlowhum% | 63 | | |
1223 | %mrecordlowhumday% | 5 | | |
1224 | %mrecordlowhummonth% | 10 | | |
1225 | %mrecordlowhumyear% | 2024 | | |
1226 | %mrecordhighsolar% | 520.0 | | |
1227 | %mrecordhighsolarday% | 3 | | |
1228 | %mrecordhighsolarmonth% | 10 | | |
1229 | %mrecordhighsolaryear% | 2024 | | |
1230 | %mrecordhighuv% | 2.5 | | |
1231 | %mrecordlhighuvday% | 3 | | |
1232 | %mrecordhighuvmonth% | 10 | | |
1233 | %mrecordhighuvyear% | 2024 | | |
1234 | %mrecordhighsoil% | -50.0 | | |
1235 | %mrecordlowsoil% | 100.0 | | |
1236 | %mrecordhighsoilday% | 7 | | |
1237 | %mrecordlowsoilday% | 7 | | |
1238 | %mrecordhighsoilmonth% | 3 | | |
1239 | %mrecordlowsoilmonth% | 3 | | |
1240 | %mrecordhighsoilyear% | 2008 | | |
1241 | %mrecordlowsoilyear% | 2008 | | |
1242 | %mrecordhighsoil2% | -100.0 | | |
1243 | %mrecordlowsoil2% | 100.0 | | |
1244 | %mrecordhighsoilday2% | 1 | | |
1245 | %mrecordlowsoilday2% | 1 | | |
1246 | %mrecordhighsoilmonth2% | 5 | | |
1247 | %mrecordlowsoilmonth2% | 5 | | |
1248 | %mrecordhighsoilyear2% | 2012 | | |
1249 | %mrecordlowsoilyear2% | 2012 | | |
1250 | %mrecordhighsoil3% | -100.0 | | |
1251 | %mrecordlowsoil3% | 100.0 | | |
1252 | %mrecordhighsoilday3% | 1 | | |
1253 | %mrecordlowsoilday3% | 1 | | |
1254 | %mrecordhighsoilmonth3% | 5 | | |
1255 | %mrecordlowsoilmonth3% | 5 | | |
1256 | %mrecordhighsoilyear3% | 2012 | | |
1257 | %mrecordlowsoilyear3% | 2012 | | |
1258 | %mrecordhighsoil4% | -100.0 | | |
1259 | %mrecordlowsoil4% | 100.0 | | |
1260 | %mrecordhighsoilday4% | 1 | | |
1261 | %mrecordlowsoilday4% | 1 | | |
1262 | %mrecordhighsoilmonth4% | 5 | | |
1263 | %mrecordlowsoilmonth4% | 5 | | |
1264 | %mrecordhighsoilyear4% | 2012 | | |
1265 | %mrecordlowsoilyear4% | 2012 | | |
1266 | %mrecordlowgrass% | %mrecordlowgrass% | | |
1267 | %mrecordlowgrassday% | %mrecordlowgrassday% | | |
1268 | %mrecordlowgrassmonth% | %mrecordlowgrassmonth% | | |
1269 | %mrecordlowgrassyear% | %mrecordlowgrassyear% | | |
1270 | %mrecordhighthsw% | 20.1 | | |
1271 | %mrecordlowthsw% | 4.5 | | |
1272 | %mrecordhighwindrun% | 229.2 | | |
1273 | %mrecordhighwindrunday% | 10 | | |
1274 | %mrecordhighwindrunmth% | 10 | | |
1275 | %mrecordhighwindrunyr% | 2024 | | |
1276 | %mrecordhighrainmth% | 181.8 | | |
1277 | %mrecordhighrainmthmth% | 10 | | |
1278 | %mrecordhighrainmthyr% | 2024 | | |
1279 | %mrecordrainrate% | 3.0 | | |
1280 | %mrecordrainrateday% | 10 | | |
1281 | %mrecordrainratemonth% | 10 | | |
1282 | %mrecordrainrateyear% | 2024 | | |
1283 | %mrecordrainratehour% | 5 | | |
1284 | %mrecordrainratemin% | 1 | | |
1285 | %mrecorddaysnorain% | 5 | | |
1286 | %mrecorddaysnorainday% | 7 | | |
1287 | %mrecorddaysnorainmonth% | 10 | | |
1288 | %mrecorddayswithrain% | 9 | | |
1289 | %mrecorddayswithrainday% | 2 | | |
1290 | %mrecorddayswithrainmonth% | 10 | | |
1291 | %mrecordhighleaf% | 255.0 | | |
1292 | %mrecordhighleafday% | 4 | | |
1293 | %mrecordhighleafmonth% | 8 | | |
1294 | %mrecordhighleafyear% | 2024 | | |
1295 | %mrecordhighsoilmoist% | 255.0 | | |
1296 | %mrecordhighsoilmoistday% | 1 | | |
1297 | %mrecordhighsoilmoistmonth% | 8 | | |
1298 | %mrecordhighsoilmoistyear% | 2024 | | |
1299 | | -- for current year to date: | | |
1300 | %yrecordhightemp% | 30.6 | | |
1301 | %yrecordlowtemp% | -5.6 | | |
1302 | %yrecordwindgust% | 83.6 | | |
1303 | %yrecordwindspeed% | 55.3 | | |
1304 | %yrecorddailyrain% | 28.6 | | |
1305 | %yrecordlowchill% | -9.4 | | |
1306 | %yrecordlowchillhour% | 5 | | |
1307 | %yrecordlowchillminute% | 32 | | |
1308 | %yrecordlowchillday% | 9 | | |
1309 | %yrecordlowchillmonth% | 1 | | |
1310 | %yrecordlowchillyear% | 2024 | | |
1311 | %yrecordhighbaro% | 1037.2 | | |
1312 | %yrecordlowbaro% | 968.8 | | |
1313 | %yrecorddailyrainday% | 2 | | |
1314 | %yrecorddailyrainmonth% | 1 | | |
1315 | %yrecorddailyrainyear% | 2024 | | |
1316 | %yrecordlowbaroday% | 22 | | |
1317 | %yrecordhighbaroday% | 9 | | |
1318 | %yrecordlowbaromonth% | 2 | | |
1319 | %yrecordhighbaromonth% | 1 | | |
1320 | %yrecordlowbaroyear% | 2024 | | |
1321 | %yrecordhighbaroyear% | 2024 | | |
1322 | %yrecordlowtempday% | 11 | | |
1323 | %yrecordhightempday% | 12 | | |
1324 | %yrecordlowtempmonth% | 1 | | |
1325 | %yrecordhightempmonth% | 8 | | |
1326 | %yrecordlowtempyear% | 2024 | | |
1327 | %yrecordhightempyear% | 2024 | | |
1328 | %yrecordhighgustday% | 3 | | |
1329 | %yrecordhighgustmonth% | 1 | | |
1330 | %yrecordhighgustyear% | 2024 | | |
1331 | %yrecordhighavwindday% | 2 | | |
1332 | %yrecordhighavwindmonth% | 1 | | |
1333 | %yrecordhighavwindyear% | 2024 | | |
1334 | %yrecordhighheatindex% | 33.4 | | |
1335 | %yrecordhighheatindexday% | 12 | | |
1336 | %yrecordhighheatindexmonth% | 8 | | |
1337 | %yrecordhighheatindexyear% | 2024 | | |
1338 | %ycoldestnightonrecord% | -4.0c on: 11 jan 2024 | | |
1339 | %ycoldestdayonrecord% | -2.2c on: 09 jan 2024 | | |
1340 | %ywarmestnightonrecord% | 23.7c on: 13 aug 2024 | | |
1341 | %ywarmestdayonrecord% | 29.5c on: 20 jul 2024 | | |
1342 | %yrecorddailyrainday% | 2 | | |
1343 | %yrecordlowchillmonth% | 1 | | |
1344 | %yrecordlowchillday% | 9 | | |
1345 | %yrecordhighdew% | 24.2 | | |
1346 | %yrecordhighdewday% | 13 | | |
1347 | %yrecordhighdewmonth% | 8 | | |
1348 | %yrecordhighdewyear% | 2024 | | |
1349 | %yrecordlowdew% | -7.1 | | |
1350 | %yrecordlowdewday% | 11 | | |
1351 | %yrecordlowdewmonth% | 1 | | |
1352 | %yrecordlowdewyear% | 2024 | | |
1353 | %yrecordhighhum% | 100 | | |
1354 | %yrecordhighhumday% | 6 | | |
1355 | %yrecordhighhummonth% | 1 | | |
1356 | %yrecordhighhumyear% | 2024 | | |
1357 | %yrecordlowhum% | 38 | | |
1358 | %yrecordlowhumday% | 14 | | |
1359 | %yrecordlowhummonth% | 5 | | |
1360 | %yrecordlowhumyear% | 2024 | | |
1361 | %yrecordhighsolar% | 875.0 | | |
1362 | %yrecordhighsolarday% | 2 | | |
1363 | %yrecordhighsolarmonth% | 6 | | |
1364 | %yrecordhighsolaryear% | 2024 | | |
1365 | %yrecordhighuv% | 7.5 | | |
1366 | %yrecordhighuvday% | 24 | | |
1367 | %yrecordhighuvmonth% | 6 | | |
1368 | %yrecordhighuvyear% | 2024 | | |
1369 | %yrecordhighsoil% | -50.0 | | |
1370 | %yrecordlowsoil% | 100.0 | | |
1371 | %yrecordhighsoilday% | 7 | | |
1372 | %yrecordlowsoilday% | 7 | | |
1373 | %yrecordhighsoilmonth% | 3 | | |
1374 | %yrecordlowsoilmonth% | 3 | | |
1375 | %yrecordhighsoilyear% | 2008 | | |
1376 | %yrecordlowsoilyear% | 2008 | | |
1377 | %yrecordhighsoil2% | 0.0 | | |
1378 | %yrecordlowsoil2% | 0.0 | | |
1379 | %yrecordhighsoilday2% | 1 | | |
1380 | %yrecordlowsoilday2% | 1 | | |
1381 | %yrecordhighsoilmonth2% | 1 | | |
1382 | %yrecordlowsoilmonth2% | 1 | | |
1383 | %yrecordhighsoilyear2% | 2023 | | |
1384 | %yrecordlowsoilyear2% | 2023 | | |
1385 | %yrecordhighsoil3% | 0.0 | | |
1386 | %yrecordlowsoil3% | 0.0 | | |
1387 | %yrecordhighsoilday3% | 1 | | |
1388 | %yrecordlowsoilday3% | 1 | | |
1389 | %yrecordhighsoilmonth3% | 1 | | |
1390 | %yrecordlowsoilmonth3% | 1 | | |
1391 | %yrecordhighsoilyear3% | 2023 | | |
1392 | %yrecordlowsoilyear3% | 2023 | | |
1393 | %yrecordhighsoil4% | 0.0 | | |
1394 | %yrecordlowsoil4% | 0.0 | | |
1395 | %yrecordhighsoilday4% | 1 | | |
1396 | %yrecordlowsoilday4% | 1 | | |
1397 | %yrecordhighsoilmonth4% | 1 | | |
1398 | %yrecordlowsoilmonth4% | 1 | | |
1399 | %yrecordhighsoilyear4% | 2023 | | |
1400 | %yrecordlowsoilyear4% | 2023 | | |
1401 | %yrecordlowgrass% | %yrecordlowgrass% | | |
1402 | %yrecordlowgrassday% | %yrecordlowgrassday% | | |
1403 | %yrecordlowgrassmonth% | %yrecordlowgrassmonth% | | |
1404 | %yrecordlowgrassyear% | %yrecordlowgrassyear% | | |
1405 | %yrecordhighthsw% | 35.2 | | |
1406 | %yrecordlowthsw% | -5.6 | | |
1407 | %yrecordhighwindrun% | 661.7 | | |
1408 | %yrecordhighwindrunday% | 6 | | |
1409 | %yrecordhighwindrunmth% | 2 | | |
1410 | %yrecordhighwindrunyr% | 2024 | | |
1411 | %yrecordhighrainmth% | 181.8 | | |
1412 | %yrecordhighrainmthmth% | 10 | | |
1413 | %yrecordhighrainmthyr% | 2024 | | |
1414 | %yrecordrainrate% | 3.0 | | |
1415 | %yrecordrainrateday% | 27 | | |
1416 | %yrecordrainratemonth% | 9 | | |
1417 | %yrecordrainrateyear% | 2024 | | |
1418 | %yrecordrainratehour% | 3 | | |
1419 | %yrecordrainratemin% | 2 | | |
1420 | %yrecorddaysnorain% | 28 | | |
1421 | %yrecorddaysnorainday% | 20 | | |
1422 | %yrecorddaysnorainmonth% | 6 | | |
1423 | %yrecorddayswithrain% | 40 | | |
1424 | %yrecorddayswithrainday% | 6 | | |
1425 | %yrecorddayswithrainmonth% | 12 | | |
1426 | %yrecordhighleaf% | 255.0 | | |
1427 | %yrecordhighleafday% | 24% | | |
1428 | %yrecordhighleafmonth% | 3 | | |
1429 | %yrecordhighleafyear% | 2023 | | |
1430 | %yrecordhighsoilmoist% | 255.0 | | |
1431 | %yrecordhighsoilmoistday% | 1 | | |
1432 | %yrecordhighsoilmoistmonth% | 1 | | |
1433 | %yrecordhighsoilmoistyear% | 2023 | | |
1434 | | -- extra temperature all time records | | |
1435 | %recordhighextratemp1% | 49.9 | | |
1436 | %recordlowextratemp1% | -100.0 | | |
1437 | %mrecordhighextratemp1% | 27.2 | | |
1438 | %mrecordlowextratemp1% | 27.2 | | |
1439 | %yrecordhighextratemp1% | 27.2 | | |
1440 | %yrecordlowextratemp1% | 27.2 | | |
1441 | %recordhighextratemp2% | 255.0 | | |
1442 | %recordlowextratemp2% | -100.0 | | |
1443 | %mrecordhighextratemp2% | 13.9 | | |
1444 | %mrecordlowextratemp2% | 7.5 | | |
1445 | %yrecordhighextratemp2% | 255.0 | | |
1446 | %yrecordlowextratemp2% | 0.1 | | |
1447 | %recordhighextratemp3% | 80.1 | | |
1448 | %recordlowextratemp3% | -100.0 | | |
1449 | %recordhighextratemp4% | 84.8 | | |
1450 | %recordlowextratemp4% | -100.0 | | |
1451 | %mrecordhighextratemp3% | 12.8 | | |
1452 | %mrecordlowextratemp3% | 9.3 | | |
1453 | %mrecordhighextratemp4% | 23.8 | | |
1454 | %mrecordlowextratemp4% | 8.5 | | |
1455 | %yrecordhighextratemp3% | 23.0 | | |
1456 | %yrecordlowextratemp3% | 1.0 | | |
1457 | %yrecordhighextratemp4% | 26.3 | | |
1458 | %yrecordlowextratemp4% | 0.5 | | |
1459 | %recordhighextratemp1day% | 25 | | |
1460 | %recordhighextratemp2day% | 8 | | |
1461 | %recordhighextratemp3day% | 20 | | |
1462 | %recordhighextratemp4day% | 6 | | |
1463 | %recordlowextratemp1day% | 7 | | |
1464 | %recordlowextratemp2day% | 7 | | |
1465 | %recordlowextratemp3day% | 7 | | |
1466 | %recordlowextratemp4day% | 7 | | |
1467 | %recordhighextratemp1mth% | 7 | | |
1468 | %recordhighextratemp2mth% | 3 | | |
1469 | %recordhighextratemp3mth% | 12 | | |
1470 | %recordhighextratemp4mth% | 12 | | |
1471 | %recordlowextratemp1mth% | 3 | | |
1472 | %recordlowextratemp2mth% | 3 | | |
1473 | %recordlowextratemp3mth% | 3 | | |
1474 | %recordlowextratemp4mth% | 3 | | |
1475 | %recordhighextratemp1yr% | 2019 | | |
1476 | %recordhighextratemp2yr% | 2008 | | |
1477 | %recordhighextratemp3yr% | 2019 | | |
1478 | %recordhighextratemp4yr% | 2019 | | |
1479 | %recordlowextratemp1yr% | 2008 | | |
1480 | %recordlowextratemp2yr% | 2008 | | |
1481 | %recordlowextratemp3yr% | 2008 | | |
1482 | %recordlowextratemp4yr% | 2008 | | |
1483 | %recordhighextratemp1hr% | 16 | | |
1484 | %recordhighextratemp2hr% | 9 | | |
1485 | %recordhighextratemp3hr% | 22 | | |
1486 | %recordhighextratemp4hr% | 15 | | |
1487 | %recordlowextratemp1hr% | 13 | | |
1488 | %recordlowextratemp2hr% | 3 | | |
1489 | %recordlowextratemp3hr% | 13 | | |
1490 | %recordlowextratemp4hr% | 13 | | |
1491 | %recordhighextratemp1min% | 58 | | |
1492 | %recordhighextratemp2min% | 11 | | |
1493 | %recordhighextratemp3min% | 17 | | |
1494 | %recordhighextratemp4min% | 22 | | |
1495 | %recordlowextratemp1min% | 11 | | |
1496 | %recordlowextratemp2min% | 11 | | |
1497 | %recordlowextratemp3min% | 11 | | |
1498 | %recordlowextratemp4min% | 11 | | |
1499 | %mrecordhighextratemp1day% | 1 | | |
1500 | %mrecordhighextratemp2day% | 2 | | |
1501 | %mrecordhighextratemp3day% | 2 | | |
1502 | %mrecordhighextratemp4day% | 13 | | |
1503 | %mrecordlowextratemp1day% | 1 | | |
1504 | %mrecordlowextratemp2day% | 6 | | |
1505 | %mrecordlowextratemp3day% | 6 | | |
1506 | %mrecordlowextratemp4day% | 6 | | |
1507 | %mrecordhighextratemp1mth% | 10 | | |
1508 | %mrecordhighextratemp2mth% | 10 | | |
1509 | %mrecordhighextratemp3mth% | 10 | | |
1510 | %mrecordhighextratemp4mth% | 8 | | |
1511 | %mrecordlowextratemp1mth% | 10 | | |
1512 | %mrecordlowextratemp2mth% | 10 | | |
1513 | %mrecordlowextratemp3mth% | 10 | | |
1514 | %mrecordlowextratemp4mth% | 10 | | |
1515 | %mrecordhighextratemp1yr% | 2024 | | |
1516 | %mrecordhighextratemp2yr% | 2024 | | |
1517 | %mrecordhighextratemp3yr% | 2024 | | |
1518 | %mrecordhighextratemp4yr% | 2024 | | |
1519 | %mrecordlowextratemp1yr% | 2024 | | |
1520 | %mrecordlowextratemp2yr% | 2024 | | |
1521 | %mrecordlowextratemp3yr% | 2024 | | |
1522 | %mrecordlowextratemp4yr% | 2024 | | |
1523 | %mrecordhighextratemp1hr% | 0 | | |
1524 | %mrecordhighextratemp2hr% | 16 | | |
1525 | %mrecordhighextratemp3hr% | 20 | | |
1526 | %mrecordhighextratemp4hr% | 19 | | |
1527 | %mrecordlowextratemp1hr% | 0 | | |
1528 | %mrecordlowextratemp2hr% | 10 | | |
1529 | %mrecordlowextratemp3hr% | 14 | | |
1530 | %mrecordlowextratemp4hr% | 7 | | |
1531 | %mrecordhighextratemp1min% | 14 | | |
1532 | %mrecordhighextratemp2min% | 12 | | |
1533 | %mrecordhighextratemp3min% | 25 | | |
1534 | %mrecordhighextratemp4min% | 1 | | |
1535 | %mrecordlowextratemp1min% | 14 | | |
1536 | %mrecordlowextratemp2min% | 48 | | |
1537 | %mrecordlowextratemp3min% | 22 | | |
1538 | %mrecordlowextratemp4min% | 58 | | |
1539 | %yrecordhighextratemp1day% | 1 | | |
1540 | %yrecordhighextratemp2day% | 10 | | |
1541 | %yrecordhighextratemp3day% | 27 | | |
1542 | %yrecordhighextratemp4day% | 25 | | |
1543 | %yrecordlowextratemp1day% | 29 | | |
1544 | %yrecordlowextratemp2day% | 10 | | |
1545 | %yrecordlowextratemp3day% | 19 | | |
1546 | %yrecordlowextratemp4day% | 11 | | |
1547 | %yrecordhighextratemp1mth% | 1 | | |
1548 | %yrecordhighextratemp2mth% | 4 | | |
1549 | %yrecordhighextratemp3mth% | 6 | | |
1550 | %yrecordhighextratemp4mth% | 6 | | |
1551 | %yrecordlowextratemp1mth% | 9 | | |
1552 | %yrecordlowextratemp2mth% | 1 | | |
1553 | %yrecordlowextratemp3mth% | 1 | | |
1554 | %yrecordlowextratemp4mth% | 1 | | |
1555 | %yrecordhighextratemp1yr% | 2024 | | |
1556 | %yrecordhighextratemp2yr% | 2024 | | |
1557 | %yrecordhighextratemp3yr% | 2024 | | |
1558 | %yrecordhighextratemp4yr% | 2023 | | |
1559 | %yrecordlowextratemp1yr% | 2024 | | |
1560 | %yrecordlowextratemp2yr% | 2024 | | |
1561 | %yrecordlowextratemp3yr% | 2024 | | |
1562 | %yrecordlowextratemp4yr% | 2024 | | |
1563 | %yrecordhighextratemp1hr% | 00 | | |
1564 | %yrecordhighextratemp2hr% | 14 | | |
1565 | %yrecordhighextratemp3hr% | 23 | | |
1566 | %yrecordhighextratemp4hr% | 19 | | |
1567 | %yrecordlowextratemp1hr% | 17 | | |
1568 | %yrecordlowextratemp2hr% | 01 | | |
1569 | %yrecordlowextratemp3hr% | 21 | | |
1570 | %yrecordlowextratemp4hr% | 08 | | |
1571 | %yrecordhighextratemp1min% | 14 | | |
1572 | %yrecordhighextratemp2min% | 54 | | |
1573 | %yrecordhighextratemp3min% | 54 | | |
1574 | %yrecordhighextratemp4min% | 26 | | |
1575 | %yrecordlowextratemp1min% | 33 | | |
1576 | %yrecordlowextratemp2min% | 45 | | |
1577 | %yrecordlowextratemp3min% | 08 | | |
1578 | %yrecordlowextratemp4min% | 31 | | |
1579 | | -- dallas 1 wire , note: now supports up to 10 for the tags (also labjack hi/lo temperature readings use these tags too) | | |
1580 | %dallasextratemp1% | -20.0 | | |
1581 | %dallasextratemp2% | 12.4 | | |
1582 | %dallasextratemp3% | 11.9 | | |
1583 | %dallasextratemp4% | 12.3 | | |
1584 | %dallasextratemp5% | 12.6 | | |
1585 | %dallasextratemp6% | 11.9 | | |
1586 | %dallasextratemp7% | 12.5 | | |
1587 | %dallasextratemp8% | 15.3 | | |
1588 | %dallasextratemp9% | 5.5 | | |
1589 | %dallasextratemp10% | -20.0 | | |
1590 | %dallasextratemp1low% | 27.2 | | |
1591 | %dallasextratemp2low% | 12.2 | | |
1592 | %dallasextratemp3low% | 11.9 | | |
1593 | %dallasextratemp4low% | 12.3 | | |
1594 | %dallasextratemp5low% | 12.3 | | |
1595 | %dallasextratemp6low% | 11.8 | | |
1596 | %dallasextratemp7low% | 12.4 | | |
1597 | %dallasextratemp8low% | 100.0 | | |
1598 | %dallasextratemp9low% | -100.0 | | |
1599 | %dallasextratemp10low% | 100.0 | | |
1600 | %dallasextratemp1high% | 27.2 | | |
1601 | %dallasextratemp2high% | 12.6 | | |
1602 | %dallasextratemp3high% | 12.1 | | |
1603 | %dallasextratemp4high% | 12.5 | | |
1604 | %dallasextratemp5high% | 12.8 | | |
1605 | %dallasextratemp6high% | 12.1 | | |
1606 | %dallasextratemp7high% | 12.6 | | |
1607 | %dallasextratemp8high% | -50.0 | | |
1608 | %dallasextratemp9high% | -50.0 | | |
1609 | %dallasextratemp10high% | -50.0 | | |
1610 | %dallasextratemp1lowtime% | 00:00 | | |
1611 | %dallasextratemp2lowtime% | 08:48 | | |
1612 | %dallasextratemp3lowtime% | 12:27 | | |
1613 | %dallasextratemp4lowtime% | 04:04 | | |
1614 | %dallasextratemp5lowtime% | 10:47 | | |
1615 | %dallasextratemp6lowtime% | 10:03 | | |
1616 | %dallasextratemp7lowtime% | 00:00 | | |
1617 | %dallasextratemp8lowtime% | 00:00 | | |
1618 | %dallasextratemp9lowtime% | 00:00 | | |
1619 | %dallasextratemp10lowtime% | | | |
1620 | %dallasextratemp1hightime% | 00:00 | | |
1621 | %dallasextratemp2hightime% | 00:00 | | |
1622 | %dallasextratemp3hightime% | 00:00 | | |
1623 | %dallasextratemp4hightime% | 00:00 | | |
1624 | %dallasextratemp5hightime% | 00:00 | | |
1625 | %dallasextratemp6hightime% | 00:00 | | |
1626 | %dallasextratemp7hightime% | 15:00 | | |
1627 | %dallasextratemp8hightime% | 00:00 | | |
1628 | %dallasextratemp9hightime% | 00:00 | | |
1629 | %dallasextratemp10hightime% | | | |
1630 | %dallasextrahum% | 0 | | |
1631 | %dallasextrahumhigh% | 98 | | |
1632 | %dallasextrahumlow% | 70 | | |
1633 | %dallasextrahumhightime% | 02:27 | | |
1634 | %dallasextrahumlowtime% | 15:15 | | |
1635 | %dallasextrahum2% | 0 | | |
1636 | %dallasextrahum2high% | 0 | | |
1637 | %dallasextrahum2low% | -100 | | |
1638 | %dallasextrahum2hightime% | 00:00 | | |
1639 | %dallasextrahum2lowtime% | 00:00 | | |
1640 | %dallasextrahum3% | 0 | | |
1641 | %dallasextrahum3high% | 0 | | |
1642 | %dallasextrahum3low% | -100 | | |
1643 | %dallasextrahum3hightime% | | | |
1644 | %dallasextrahum3lowtime% | 00:00 | | |
1645 | %dallasextrahum4% | 0 | | |
1646 | %dallasextrahum4high% | 18 | | |
1647 | %dallasextrahum4low% | 0 | | |
1648 | %dallasextrahum4hightime% | 12:48 | | |
1649 | %dallasextrahum4lowtime% | 00:00 | | |
1650 | %dallassolarvolts% | 0.000 | | |
1651 | %barometertemperature% | 0.0 | | |
1652 | %dallashumtemp% | 0.0 | | |
1653 | %highdallashumtemp% | -100.0 | | |
1654 | %lowdallashumtemp% | 100.0 | | |
1655 | %highdallashumtempt% | | | |
1656 | %lowdallashumtempt% | 00:00 | | |
1657 | %dallashumtemp2% | -100.0 | | |
1658 | %highdallashumtemp2% | -100.0 | | |
1659 | %lowdallashumtemp2% | -100.0 | | |
1660 | %highdallashumtemp2t% | | | |
1661 | %lowdallashumtemp2t% | 00:00 | | |
1662 | %dallashumtemp3% | 0.0 | | |
1663 | %highdallashumtemp3% | -100.0 | | |
1664 | %lowdallashumtemp3% | 100.0 | | |
1665 | %highdallashumtemp3t% | | | |
1666 | %lowdallashumtemp3t% | | | |
1667 | %dallashumtemp4% | 0.0% | | |
1668 | %highdallashumtemp4% | -100.0 | | |
1669 | %lowdallashumtemp4% | 100.0 | | |
1670 | %highdallashumtemp4t% | | | |
1671 | %lowdallashumtemp4t% | | | |
1672 | | -- lightning counts | | |
1673 | %lighteningcountlasthour% | 0 | | |
1674 | %lighteningcountlastminute% | 0 | | |
1675 | %lighteningcountlast5minutes% | 0 | | |
1676 | %lighteningcountlast12hour% | 0 | | |
1677 | %lighteningcountlast30minutes% | 0 | | |
1678 | %lighteningcountlasthournextstorm% | 0 | | |
1679 | %lighteningcountlastminutenextstorm% | 0 | | |
1680 | %lighteningcountlast12hournextstorm% | 0 | | |
1681 | %lighteningcountlast30minutesnextstorm% | 0 | | |
1682 | %nexstormbearing% | 0 | | |
1683 | %nexstormdistance% | 0 | | |
1684 | %lighteningcount% | 0 | | |
1685 | %lighteningcountmonth% | 0 | | |
1686 | %lighteningcountyear% | 4352 | | |
1687 | %lighteningcountnoon% | 0 | | |
1688 | %lighteningcountlasttime% | 11:08:28 2023/08/22 | | |
1689 | %lighteningcountmidnight% | 0 | | |
1690 | %lighteningcountnoonwire% | 0 | | |
1691 | %lighteningcountmidnightwire% | 0 | | |
1692 | %countsday1% | 0 | | |
1693 | %countsday2% | 0 | | |
1694 | %countsday31% | 0 | | |
1695 | %Solar% | --wmr918/68 | | |
1696 | | >
100 % | | |
1697 | | %wmr918/68extrahum% | | |
1698 | | %wmr918/68extrahum2% | | |
1699 | | %wmr918/68extrahum3% | | |
1700 | | %wmr918/68extratemp% | | |
1701 | | %wmr918/68extratemp2% | | |
1702 | | %wmr918/68extratemp3% | | |
1703 | | %wmr918/68extratemphigh% | | |
1704 | | %wmr918/68extratemphigh2% | | |
1705 | | %wmr918/68extratemphigh3% | | |
1706 | | %wmr918/68extrahumhigh% | | |
1707 | | %wmr918/68extrahumhigh2% | | |
1708 | | %wmr918/68extrahumhigh3% | | |
1709 | | %wmr918/68temphightime% | | |
1710 | | %wmr918/68temphightime2% | | |
1711 | | %wmr918/68temphightime3% | | |
1712 | | %wmr918/68extratemplow% | | |
1713 | | %wmr918/68extratemplow2% | | |
1714 | | %wmr918/68extratemplow3% | | |
1715 | | %wmr918/68extrahumlow% | | |
1716 | | %wmr918/68extrahumlow2% | | |
1717 | | %wmr918/68extrahumlow3% | | |
1718 | | %wmr918/68templowtime% | | |
1719 | | %wmr918/68templowtime2% | | |
1720 | | %wmr918/68templowtime3% | | |
1721 | | %wmr918/68extrahumhightime% | | |
1722 | | %wmr918/68extrahumhigh2time% | | |
1723 | | %wmr918/68extrahumhigh3time% | | |
1724 | | %wmr918/68extrahumlowtime% | | |
1725 | | %wmr918/68extrahumlow2time% | | |
1726 | | %wmr918/68extrahumlow3time% | | |
1727 | | %wmr918/68tempbat3% | | |
1728 | | %wmr918/68tempbat2% | | |
1729 | | %wmr918/68tempbat1% | | |
1730 | | %wmr918/68tempbat% | | |
1731 | | %wmr918/68consbat% | | |
1732 | | %wmr918/68rainbat% | | |
1733 | | %wmr918/68windbat% | | |
1734 | | -- snow | | |
1735 | | 0 | | |
1736 | | 0 | | |
1737 | | 0.00 | | |
1738 | | 0 | | |
1739 | | 0 | | |
1740 | | 0.0 | | |
1741 | | 0 | | |
1742 | | 422 | | |
1743 | | 4671 | | |
1744 | | 0 | | |
1745 | | 0 | | |
1746 | | 0.0 | | |
1747 | | 0 | | |
1748 | | 0 | | |
1749 | | -- download metars | | |
1750 | | %downloadedmetar1extrasky% | | |
1751 | | %downloadedmetar1sky% | | |
1752 | | %downloadedmetar1cloud% | | |
1753 | | %downloadedmetar1press% | | |
1754 | | %downloadedmetar1humi% | | |
1755 | | %downloadedmetar1dewp% | | |
1756 | | %downloadedmetar1temp% | | |
1757 | | %downloadedmetar1tempcelsius% | | |
1758 | | %downloadedmetar1wind% | | |
1759 | | %downloadedmetar1location% | | |
1760 | | %downloadedmetar1vis% | | |
1761 | | %downloadedmetar1name% | | |
1762 | | %downloadedmetar1time% | | |
1763 | | %downloadedmetar1rainlasthour% | | |
1764 | | %downloadedmetar1windonly% | | |
1765 | | %downloadedmetar1dironly% | | |
1766 | | %downloadedmetar1dironlydeg% | | |
1767 | | today --- | | |
1768 | | today | | |
1769 | | - | | |
1770 | | today --- | | |
1771 | | 0.0 | | |
1772 | | -- current weather warning/forecast from input daily weather | | |
1773 | | | | |
1774 | | -- gps | | |
1775 | | | | |
1776 | | | | |
1777 | | meteo noord west | | |
1778 | | -- tags for using comma decimal place | | |
1779 | | 11,7 | | |
1780 | | 13,2 | | |
1781 | | 11,7 | | |
1782 | | 7,4 | | |
1783 | | 1002,5 | | |
1784 | | 1,6 | | |
1785 | | 0,0 | | |
1786 | | 2,8 | | |
1787 | | 0,0 | | |
1788 | | 181,8 | | |
1789 | | 765,0 | | |
1790 | | 0,0 | | |
1791 | | | | |
1792 | | -- mesomap stations data (if you have setup and are using the mesomap feature) | | |
1793 | | %mesomaptemp1% | | |
1794 | | %mesomaphum1% | | |
1795 | | %mesomapdew1% | | |
1796 | | %mesomapspeed1% | | |
1797 | | %mesomapgust1% | | |
1798 | | %mesomapdir1% | | |
1799 | | %mesomapbaro1% | | |
1800 | | %mesomaprain1% | | |
1801 | | %mesomaptime1% | | |
1802 | | %mesomaptemp2% | | |
1803 | | %mesomaphum2% | | |
1804 | | %mesomapdew2% | | |
1805 | | %mesomapspeed2% | | |
1806 | | %mesomapgust2% | | |
1807 | | %mesomapdir2% | | |
1808 | | %mesomapbaro2% | | |
1809 | | %mesomaprain2% | | |
1810 | | %mesomaptime2% | | |
1811 | | %mesomaptemp3% | | |
1812 | | %mesomaphum3% | | |
1813 | | %mesomapdew3% | | |
1814 | | %mesomapspeed3% | | |
1815 | | %mesomapgust3% | | |
1816 | | %mesomapdir3% | | |
1817 | | %mesomapbaro3% | | |
1818 | | %mesomaprain3% | | |
1819 | | %mesomaptime3% | | |
1820 | | %mesomaptemp4% | | |
1821 | | %mesomaphum4% | | |
1822 | | %mesomapdew4% | | |
1823 | | %mesomapspeed4% | | |
1824 | | %mesomapgust4% | | |
1825 | | %mesomapdir4% | | |
1826 | | %mesomapbaro4% | | |
1827 | | %mesomaprain4% | | |
1828 | | %mesomaptime4% | | |
1829 | | %mesomaptemp5% | | |
1830 | | %mesomaphum5% | | |
1831 | | %mesomapdew5% | | |
1832 | | %mesomapspeed5% | | |
1833 | | %mesomapgust5% | | |
1834 | | %mesomapdir5% | | |
1835 | | %mesomapbaro5% | | |
1836 | | %mesomaprain5% | | |
1837 | | %mesomaptime5% | | |
1838 | | %mesomaptemp6% | | |
1839 | | %mesomaphum6% | | |
1840 | | %mesomapdew6% | | |
1841 | | %mesomapspeed6% | | |
1842 | | %mesomapgust6% | | |
1843 | | %mesomapdir6% | | |
1844 | | %mesomapbaro6% | | |
1845 | | %mesomaprain6% | | |
1846 | | %mesomaptime6% | | |
1847 | | %mesomaptemp7% | | |
1848 | | %mesomaphum7% | | |
1849 | | %mesomapdew7% | | |
1850 | | %mesomapspeed7% | | |
1851 | | %mesomapgust7% | | |
1852 | | %mesomapdir7% | | |
1853 | | %mesomapbaro7% | | |
1854 | | %mesomaprain7% | | |
1855 | | %mesomaptime7% | | |
1856 | | %mesomaptemp8% | | |
1857 | | %mesomaphum8% | | |
1858 | | %mesomapdew8% | | |
1859 | | %mesomapspeed8% | | |
1860 | | %mesomapgust8% | | |
1861 | | %mesomapdir8% | | |
1862 | | %mesomapbaro8% | | |
1863 | | %mesomaprain8% | | |
1864 | | %mesomaptime8% | | |
1865 | | %mesomaptemp9% | | |
1866 | | %mesomaphum9% | | |
1867 | | %mesomapdew9% | | |
1868 | | %mesomapspeed9% | | |
1869 | | %mesomapgust9% | | |
1870 | | %mesomapdir9% | | |
1871 | | %mesomapbaro9% | | |
1872 | | %mesomaprain9% | | |
1873 | | %mesomaptime9% | | |
1874 | | %mesomaptemp10% | | |
1875 | | %mesomaphum10% | | |
1876 | | %mesomapdew10% | | |
1877 | | %mesomapspeed10% | | |
1878 | | %mesomapgust10% | | |
1879 | | %mesomapdir10% | | |
1880 | | %mesomapbaro10% | | |
1881 | | %mesomaprain10% | | |
1882 | | %mesomaptime10% | | |
1883 | | %mesomaptemp11% | | |
1884 | | %mesomaphum11% | | |
1885 | | %mesomapdew11% | | |
1886 | | %mesomapspeed11% | | |
1887 | | %mesomapgust11% | | |
1888 | | %mesomapdir11% | | |
1889 | | %mesomapbaro11% | | |
1890 | | %mesomaprain11% | | |
1891 | | %mesomaptime11% | | |
1892 | | %mesomaptemp12% | | |
1893 | | %mesomaphum12% | | |
1894 | | %mesomapdew12% | | |
1895 | | %mesomapspeed12% | | |
1896 | | %mesomapgust12% | | |
1897 | | %mesomapdir12% | | |
1898 | | %mesomapbaro12% | | |
1899 | | %mesomaprain12% | | |
1900 | | %mesomaptime12% | | |
1901 | | %mesomaptemp13% | | |
1902 | | %mesomaphum13% | | |
1903 | | %mesomapdew13% | | |
1904 | | %mesomapspeed13% | | |
1905 | | %mesomapgust13% | | |
1906 | | %mesomapdir13% | | |
1907 | | %mesomapbaro13% | | |
1908 | | %mesomaprain13% | | |
1909 | | %mesomaptime13% | | |
1910 | | %mesomaptemp14% | | |
1911 | | %mesomaphum14% | | |
1912 | | %mesomapdew14% | | |
1913 | | %mesomapspeed14% | | |
1914 | | %mesomapgust14% | | |
1915 | | %mesomapdir14% | | |
1916 | | %mesomapbaro14% | | |
1917 | | %mesomaprain14% | | |
1918 | | %mesomaptime14% | | |
1919 | | %mesomaptemp15% | | |
1920 | | %mesomaphum15% | | |
1921 | | %mesomapdew15% | | |
1922 | | %mesomapspeed15% | | |
1923 | | %mesomapgust15% | | |
1924 | | %mesomapdir15% | | |
1925 | | %mesomapbaro15% | | |
1926 | | %mesomaprain15% | | |
1927 | | %mesomaptime15% | | |
1928 | | %mesomaptemp16% | | |
1929 | | %mesomaphum16% | | |
1930 | | %mesomapdew16% | | |
1931 | | %mesomapspeed16% | | |
1932 | | %mesomapgust16% | | |
1933 | | %mesomapdir16% | | |
1934 | | %mesomapbaro16% | | |
1935 | | %mesomaprain16% | | |
1936 | | %mesomaptime16% | | |
1937 | | %mesomaptemp17% | | |
1938 | | %mesomaphum17% | | |
1939 | | %mesomapdew17% | | |
1940 | | %mesomapspeed17% | | |
1941 | | %mesomapgust17% | | |
1942 | | %mesomapdir17% | | |
1943 | | %mesomapbaro17% | | |
1944 | | %mesomaprain17% | | |
1945 | | %mesomaptime17% | | |
1946 | | %mesomaptemp18% | | |
1947 | | %mesomaphum18% | | |
1948 | | %mesomapdew18% | | |
1949 | | %mesomapspeed18% | | |
1950 | | %mesomapgust18% | | |
1951 | | %mesomapdir18% | | |
1952 | | %mesomapbaro18% | | |
1953 | | %mesomaprain18% | | |
1954 | | %mesomaptime18% | | |
1955 | | %mesomaptemp19% | | |
1956 | | %mesomaphum19% | | |
1957 | | %mesomapdew19% | | |
1958 | | %mesomapspeed19% | | |
1959 | | %mesomapgust19% | | |
1960 | | %mesomapdir19% | | |
1961 | | %mesomapbaro19% | | |
1962 | | %mesomaprain19% | | |
1963 | | %mesomaptime19% | | |
1964 | | %mesomaptemp20% | | |
1965 | | %mesomaphum20% | | |
1966 | | %mesomapdew20% | | |
1967 | | %mesomapspeed20% | | |
1968 | | %mesomapgust20% | | |
1969 | | %mesomapdir20% | | |
1970 | | %mesomapbaro20% | | |
1971 | | %mesomaprain20% | | |
1972 | | %mesomaptime20% | | |
1973 | | %mesomaptemp21% | | |
1974 | | %mesomaphum21% | | |
1975 | | %mesomapdew21% | | |
1976 | | %mesomapspeed21% | | |
1977 | | %mesomapgust21% | | |
1978 | | %mesomapdir21% | | |
1979 | | %mesomapbaro21% | | |
1980 | | %mesomaprain21% | | |
1981 | | %mesomaptime21% | | |
1982 | | %mesomaptemp22% | | |
1983 | | %mesomaphum22% | | |
1984 | | %mesomapdew22% | | |
1985 | | %mesomapspeed22% | | |
1986 | | %mesomapgust22% | | |
1987 | | %mesomapdir22% | | |
1988 | | %mesomapbaro22% | | |
1989 | | %mesomaprain22% | | |
1990 | | %mesomaptime22% | | |
1991 | | %mesomaptemp23% | | |
1992 | | %mesomaphum23% | | |
1993 | | %mesomapdew23% | | |
1994 | | %mesomapspeed23% | | |
1995 | | %mesomapgust23% | | |
1996 | | %mesomapdir23% | | |
1997 | | %mesomapbaro23% | | |
1998 | | %mesomaprain23% | | |
1999 | | %mesomaptime23% | | |
2000 | | %mesomaptemp24% | | |
2001 | | %mesomaphum24% | | |
2002 | | %mesomapdew24% | | |
2003 | | %mesomapspeed24% | | |
2004 | | %mesomapgust24% | | |
2005 | | %mesomapdir24% | | |
2006 | | %mesomapbaro24% | | |
2007 | | %mesomaprain24% | | |
2008 | | %mesomaptime24% | | |
2009 | | %mesomaptemp25% | | |
2010 | | %mesomaphum25% | | |